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"You never bring in any homework! You never do any work in class and you never, ever, answer questions! Snap out of it and grow up! You are going to fail all of your classes!"

I flinch as the teacher yells at the boy who is slouched in his chair with his hood up and arms crossed. The teacher is right, he never does any work and is going to fail his exams. He doesn't seem to care. He never does.
He straightens up in the chair and sighs, and speaks in a low drawl,
"Does homework really matter? Isn't it the exams and tests that matter?"

The teacher huffs and picks up his copy which should be full at the end of the year,

"Empty-" she flicks through it, "completely empty! It should be full! You have the summer exam tomorrow! What will you study?!"

He gives her a sly grin,

The teacher opens her mouth to yell some more but closes it and sighs instead,
"Fine! I have been at you all year, I am tired of your nonsense. Good luck with the exam, you'll need all the luck you can get. You're not passing it if you don't have anything to study."

She turns on her heel and walks off in a temper. I have the unfortunate luck to have to sit beside him so I take out my pencil case and grab a pen to start taking notes. He leans over to me and whispers,
I whip my head to the side and I stare at him
"Why don't you do any work?"
He laughs under his breath
"Well well aren't we full of questions. Why the sudden question Rosa?"
I blink when he uses my name, I thought he doesn't pay attention to things like that.

"It's just, you never do any work but yet don't seem worried about your grades. Why?"

"Maybe I just don't care. Maybe I'm the worst student ever."

I frown at his answer, why don't I believe him? He doesn't seem like he cares, doesn't seem like he tries at all in fact. Yet I still can't fully believe him.

"I think you care." I whisper under my breath hoping he didn't hear.
He laughs, obviously he heard me,

"You're the first person to say that."

The bell goes then and everyone packs away their things and start to leave. When I'm halfway gone, I hear the teacher yell the boys name to stay behind. Fletcher.
I wonder why.
Then my body does the thing when it doesn't listen to you, doesn't listen to reason. Standing outside the door waiting for Fletcher to come out, I overhear the conversation inside, well, a one sided conversation since Fletcher is leaving the speaking up to the teacher.

"You haven't done any work since you moved to this school. Of course, you haven't taken any exams yet since you only moved but, no homework, no schoolwork, no assignments, no nothing! Fletcher i know its been hard on you moving school and leaving all your friends behind, but you cant just give up on your school work." I hear shuffling and then Fletcher is walking towards the door but stops and reply's harshly,

"We'll see when the exams roll round."

The teacher sighs and Fletcher walks out of the class. Before he can put his head phones on, I run in front of him to block his way so he'll see me.

"Hiya!" I wave awkwardly, unsure of why I'm even talking to him, he stares at me with blank eyes until blinking like he just remembered something and rushes to reply,

"Oh, yeah hey Rosa, what's up?"

"Hi, nothing just wanted to talk." To talk? To talk?! What am I doing? I mentally face palm.

"Okay cool, what about?"

"No idea." Oh wow, surely the master of conversation Rosa.

"Okayyyy, well I gotta go to my next class. So see ya." Fletcher begins to walk off but I run to catch up and start blabbering,

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