Somebody Else

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    [ it's not often i write so directly about heartbreak, don't get used to it hfjsjdjs ]

    Everything was glistening. The single streetlight turning the rain into glittering orange crystals. It was quiet too, that strange silence that you can feel, as if you are in another dimension where no one can see you. And no one could see her. Everyone was fast asleep tucked up in their warm beds beside the love of their life. But here she was, only half seeing the orange crystals, only half feeling the rain soaking her clothes and dripping off her hair. Her eyes kept unfocusing as she sat on the curb, kept getting blurry and revealing those lines of lights. No cars drove past, no light flicked on, no people were talking down the street, she was completely alone. And in the pitch black silent night, when all she could see was their face-

    Her heart burst out of her chest.
    It broke into a million pieces in front of her, and then those pieces broke again. Tiny shards of her glass heart swayed in the air above her. Unfocused eyes slowly dragged themselves up to gaze at her own heart. Her expression didn't change, her face remained pained and her chest felt empty. She gently got up then, placed something down below her heart, turned and went slowly down the street. Even by the way she walked you could see how lost she was, how every step could be her last and she wouldn't mind.

    But she is gone now, afterall, a person without their heart is not a person at all. So come back to her heart, broken and dismayed, all the pieces still hanging in the air. Lower your gaze down to the rain soaked ground where she placed something. Paper that is now almost see through from water, ink only slightly smudged, the five words still intact.

    The pieces crash down onto the road. Creating a sound that echoes through a hollow girls chest. They rip the paper to shreds and she falls to the ground. Clutching her chest as though someone drove a knife into her. Knees scraped and bleeding. Hardly felt. A person without their heart is not a person at all.

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