cotton wool silence

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    Seeing in anew light
    She sees you in your own light now
    For the first time, you have a smile just for her
    The light in her eyes tells you, now she finally sees you
    With flame reflected on your skin
    In the place where your laugh comes easy
    She sees through the place that quietens your voice
    Her gaze lingers a second too long
    Her smile seering through everything you know
    I thought you were silent
    Now I see, you speak the loudest
    And when she reaches forward and calls you
    You fall, you'd do anything for her
    Anything to call her a friend, to be a trustful one, the one she turns to in times of need
    The one she turns to for comfort
    The one she knows who can shout louder than anyone
    But listens to her every word

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