71- A Life For a Life

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My dream was going well when I felt an itch on my wrist. I crinkled my nose in my sleep as I tried to scratch it against the nearest structure.

"Stay still."

I grumbled something in my sleep before attempting to scratch it again.

"Jesus Christ, Bella! I said to stay still. I'll cut your wrists if you keep squirming."

Wait... that wasn't Harry Styles' voice.

My eyes popped open in a panic. As they adjusted, I was set with the scene I thought I had imagined, but nope. I was still trapped in a warehouse, tied on a chair. Surprised I wasn't dead yet. Don almost seemed too patient. Maybe he was indecisive on how to kill me.

Huh, I guess that worked in my favor.

Suddenly the pressure from my wrists was gone. I looked down and bit back a gasp when I saw a flash of leather.

"Skylar?! What are you doing here?" I hissed in surprise.

She looked up at me, shocked that I was awake. She quickly recovered and straightened up. "Getting you the hell out of here. Stay still while I open your ankles."

I stretched my legs out in front of me so she'd have better access. She skillfully cut through the rope with a pocket knife. Was I surprised she had it? Nope. Like a miracle, the rope snapped open. The first thing I did was stand up and stretch my limbs.

Fuuuuuck, it felt so good.

"Come on," she hissed, grabbing my arm. Before she could pull me away, I dug my feels into the ground. "What?"

I gestured toward Ben, who was scarily still on the floor. "We have to get him out."

"What? No! He's the bad guy here!"

"Skylar," I gave her a flat look. "The bad guys are the ones who broke his fingers and cut his leg." When she looked unconvinced, I pursed my lips and crossed my arms. "I'm not leaving without him."

After a long pause, she sighed. She looked like she wanted to be the one who finished Don's job. "The things I do for Dean," she grumbled under her breath before walking over to his limp body. The toe of her boot nudged his side. "He's dead."

"Skylar!" I whisper-yelled in horror. "Don't say that."

"Let's just get him out of here before someone comes."

Together we squatted down to pick up Ben. "Careful of his fingers," I told her, earning a flat look. After a lot of grunts, strains, and a little blood on my jacket, we managed to barely hold him up. I was panting like a dog while Skylar just looked annoyed.

Then, like a very dramatic movie scene, lights across the warehouse lit up. Skylar and I both tensed, even more so when Don came out, slowly clapping.

"Adorable. You two are such cute friends," he smirked. "Unexpected, but cute."

Skylar shot me the dirtiest look I'd ever seen before. "This is all your fault! If we didn't waste time on him then we'd be miles away by now."

I nervously bit my lip as I looked back at Don. She wasn't wrong. "Donny," I said in a fake voice. "Come on, I was just testing the water. I had to make sure your security was... secure."

Skylar sent me another look. "Bella, what are you saying?" she whispered.

Don was stroking his nonexistent beard. "Well, you got me!"


His face fell. "No. How dumb do you think I am?"

"Okay, well we'll just be leaving now." Skylar didn't even bother smiling at him as we took two steps forward. Right away this massive dude stepped in front of us, arms crossed over his chest.

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