20- Let's Talk

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"Hey, are you okay?" is the first thing Reece asked as I trudged into the hallway. I was surprised to see him considering it was lunch and he always seemed so busy with his job.

"I'm okay," I lied, forcing a fake smile so he couldn't see through me. He did though.

"No, you're not. Is everything okay? Was it Ben?" The panic in his tone increased as his sentence went on.

I shook my head. "No." I went to walk around him, but he grabbed my wrist, preventing me from walking any further. What was up with everyone grabbing my wrist?

"You're obviously not fine."

I exasperatedly sighed and turned to meet his eyes. "Okay, fine! It's Dean. We broke up. Happy?" I shook my arm out of grip and walked away from his shell-shocked face. He definitely didn't expect that. I was a little surprised that Dean didn't tell him.

My friends were chirpy when I reached the table. "Hey, Bells! Where's the boyfriend?" Dylan teased, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

My heart panged. I genuinely couldn't believe it was over. After all we went through, it was done.

It didn't feel real, but the pain in my heart certainly was.

I still couldn't comprehend how fast the night turned. I thought we would have a petty argument, he'd convince me to forgive him, and we'd cuddle all night. Maybe even give each other apologetic kisses. How wrong I was.

"I don't know," I responded when I noticed all eyes on me.

Emma snorted. "Well he's definitely here, so maybe he'll show. Although, he looked a little depressed in class today..." She had a thoughtful expression.

"Bella, is everything okay?" Jaz asked, reaching across the table. I slid my hand under the table, away from her reach. Her frown only deepened. "What's wrong?"

"Dean and I broke up," I said for the second time today. A small part of me believed that not acknowledging it would make it not real. But it was real and I couldn't ignore it.

There was a moment of collective silence.

"After school, we're going out. I'll meet you by your car," Dylan said in a serious tone. His change in demeanor scared me a little.

I numbly nodded. I didn't have the energy to argue right now. Company could be a good thing. Anything to keep my mind off of him.

Jasmine looked like she was fit to kill. Dylan felt tense under me too. Suddenly, I feared for Dean's safety.

Eh, he's an (ex) gang leader. He can handle himself. Screw him and his pretty face.

I drowned out the rest of lunch. My friends tried to include me in their conversations, but I really couldn't care less. I'd give curt responses. They eventually figured that I didn't care and stopped including me.

But as soon as the bell dismissed us from lunch, I found myself yearning for our gross cafeteria. The uncomfortable wooden tables seemed more appealing than being trapped in a class with Dean. At least I had Jaz and Will.

Ugh, Will. He was just another bullet on my list of problems.

When we got to our government class, I found relief in seeing Dean's chair occupied by someone else. He was sitting at the opposite end of the classroom. I avoided looking at him as I walked past and took a seat at my usual desk.

Class began but I couldn't find myself paying attention. Why was this happening? It was only weeks ago that we sat in my kitchen. Dean was giving me a cheesy line and we established everything was the same. We redeclared our love or whatever. Then why the sudden shift?

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