37- Feverish

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I couldn't handle this.

On Monday, when I was supposed to give out the cupcakes, I woke up with a terrible fever. This was most likely because of the whole pool incident. After texting my amazing friends, they offered to help me out. Dylan and Justin carefully piled all the cupcakes into his car. They promised to pass them out at school.

I texted Jaz to make sure they did it.

As I laid in bed, I felt restless. Not only did I miss a whole day of homecoming promotion, but also a whole day of not getting Ben to like me. It sucked.

It didn't help that I felt like death. My nose was seriously stuffed and my head felt like someone was using it to play bongos. Not to mention, nobody was home so I had to care for myself.

Dylan did show up after school though. He skipped practice, which worried me a lot. Coach wasn't exactly pleasant when it came to skipping but hopefully, he made an exception for the captain. Hopefully.

You know, even if Dylan did get punished, I wouldn't feel bad. He deserved it. He's the reason I was sitting in bed, dying.

At least he made it up to me. He made me soup and kept me company. In a way, he was acting like my slave. I definitely enjoyed it.

When nighttime came around, I forced him to leave. He didn't have any clothes for school the next day and I was fine. After all, I was just sleeping. Justin was home anyway so I wasn't alone. Even if I was, Ryder did a good job at making me feel safe.

The next day I forced myself to go to school. My nose was still stuffy but I felt like I needed to get some work done. Besides, I was strong enough to get up so I was totally fine.

Let's just say caffeine was my new best friend.

The idea of interacting with humans didn't feel awesome, so I sat in my car for some vibe time. It's been a while since I just sat there, the music consuming me. I'd been so caught up with everything that I just didn't have the time.

As my head rested against the seat, I glanced in my rearview mirror. I could see Ben's parking spot from here. It was empty, which made me frown. If he wasn't showing up today, half my efforts were down the drain.

As if on cue, a sleek car pulled into the spot. My brows furrowed as I warily eyed it. It wasn't the Lamborghini, but something else. At first, I thought maybe someone had taken his spot. But his door opened and sure enough, it was Ben. He was wearing another one of his fancy coats with skinny pants and a nice shirt. He even wore dress shoes and I could just tell they were expensive. Ben wasn't the type to touch something cheap. Nope, he had to show off his money.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the headrest. Of course Ben had more than one car. The size of his garage was huge! He had plenty of toys to play with.

Note to self, ask to see Ben's garage when we're friends again.

I waited until the warning bell sounded to go inside. It was amusing to watch all the parents scramble to get their kids out of their cars. From the looks of it, the car line was still insanely long. I would've laughed or even smiled if I didn't feel like my brain was completely sucked of moisture.

Was that normal?

Dylan looked surprised to see me. I flashed him a lazy smile as I slumped down into my usual seat. Right away I put my head down on the cool desk. It felt amazing against my burning skin.

He didn't say anything the whole period. Or maybe he did and I wasn't paying attention. I'm pretty sure I dozed off a few times. And since we were watching a video, the teacher never noticed. Thank god for that.

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