53- Letters and Starting Over

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The following Monday, I was sitting in my car with a Bergdorf Goodman coat folded neatly on the passenger seat, the seatbelt restraining it to the chair.

What? If you were carrying a $2,000 coat (I googled it) for a moody boy, you'd want to keep to safe.

Smiling, I decided to cut my vibe time short. Ben needed his jacket back and I wasn't one to push off affairs. Okay, I was, but whatever. Truth was, I was excited to see him. We were officially starting off our new friendship.

Regardless of our rocky past, the olive branch was extended.

And I didn't take friendship lightly. The poor dude had no idea what was coming for him.

A smirk formed on my face as I thought of all the ways I could torture Ben. Of course, it wasn't truly torture. Ben Stark simply hated all things fun. I was going to show him there was more to life than gang mates and drugs. Hell, maybe we could try mini-golf! Ooh, and I could introduce him to my friends! He already got a peek of them during detention.

I'd definitely need to teach him what sarcasm was, too.

A heavy arm slung over my shoulder and I looked up to see Dylan smiling down at me. "Howdy buttercup."

"Buttercup?" I scrunched my nose in disgust.

He dramatically rolled his eyes. "Babycakes?"



"Ew, makes me seem stuck up."

"You're killing me... Babydoll?"

"Snookums, you need to try harder," I snickered, stopping in front of the rest of the group. Emma and Will were standing next to each other. Their arms were brushing but neither of them made a move to acknowledge their relationship. "So... Friday night..." I trailed, hoping to see a hint of emotion from either. 

Emma turned pink and it was all I needed to confirm. Will flashed me a lopsided grin. "So Cupid, how was your weekend?"

I beamed at him, reminiscing the way I woke up next to Dean and how he didn't leave my side the entire time we cleaned Dylan's house. "Amazing, I'm so–Hold up! Cupid? Does that mean..." I stared, bewildered.

Emma broke out from her impassive look and smiled. "Yes! We're together again." The girls began squealing like total girly girls. Could you blame us?

"I'm so so so so so happy!" Jaz laughed, pulling Emma into a tight hug. "Seriously, it's long overdue."

I smiled at Will, who returned it. Everything was falling into place. Jaz and Kim were going strong. Emma and Will, true soulmates, were together against all odds. Dylan was finally slapped by a girl. Ben was a friend.

All that was left was my own relationship – one which I didn't know the outcome of. I was beginning to think I was pushing too hard. What if Dean was no longer tempted to fight?

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. Thinking negatively wouldn't get me anywhere. I just needed to trust.

Which was harder than I'd like to admit.

My heart warmed at the sight of my friend group being all happy. They all deserved it, even Dylan who could be a complete ass at times. And although I wasn't sure if Emma ever told Will about him, I didn't wanna find out.

Smiling, I slowly slipped away from them.

Hmm, if I was Ben Stark, where would I be?

I pursed my lips, thinking about it. I had no idea where his locker was. The few times I did meet up with him in the morning, he wasn't there. I decided to see if he was still stalking Dean.

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