9- Kissing the Enemy

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It was now Monday and I was doing the impossible: convincing my mother, who happened to be a doctor, that I was too sick to go to school.

"Mom, seriously. My stomach hurts so badly," I dramatically groaned, turning in bed so she could see the pained expression I had on my face.

She wasn't impressed. "You have no fever, you're not on your period, you didn't eat any bad food. If anything, this pain is caused by stress." To emphasize her point, she used the back of her hand to check my temperature. It made me realize I should have taken more precautions to seem believable.

"Okay, but can I stay home?"

"No," she deadpanned. "Honey, if you were to stay home every time you were stressed, you'd be homeschooled. Relax, take a laxative, and get your ass to school," she said in a final tone. She softened the blow with a smile and a kiss on my forehead before leaving.

I groaned and flailed in my bed, trying to get the blankets off of me. When attempting to get off the bed, my foot got caught and I landed with a thud on my hardwood floor. Perfect.

"Ouch," I grumbled. Ryder jumped down from where he was just laying and licked my face, making sure I was okay. I gave him a pat on the head then opened the door so he could run downstairs.

I took my sweet time getting ready. Going to school felt like the worse task in the world. It was filled with people who either hated me or were hated by me. I think the only two people whose company I enjoyed were Jaz and Will. Even then, I wasn't sure how I was going to face Will today. I couldn't.

I glanced over to my window and debated whether it would be better to jump out.


I finished getting dress and trudged downstairs, still pretending to be sick. Maybe mom would go easy on me.

With a grimace, I walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. "Good morning, Ary," my dad chirped, looking over his infamous newspaper. "Don't you look awfully cheery."

"Mom won't let me skip," I grumbled, annoyed with his enthusiasm. Who was so excited this early in the morning?

Just as I said that, she came from behind and set a plate down in front of me. "You've missed a lot of school last year. I don't want a repeat." I scoffed and grabbed a piece of fresh bacon.

My dad shook his head at me. "Sorry kiddo, nothing I can do. You know how scary she gets." Coward.

I rolled my eyes but the smile on his face made me do the same. I picked at my food, taking small bites. It was obvious my mom wasn't giving in, so I could drop the act. But I truly didn't have the stomach to eat right now.

And to make the matters worse, dad lowered his newspaper and gave me a solemn look. "Ary, we're going out of town for a little."

"What? Why?" I whined.

Instead of answering my question, he rested his head on his propped elbows. "And Justin's spending the night at a friend's. Now, I know you have Ryder with you, but you can call someone else to spend the night if you want."

My mom took a seat next to me. "And I don't know what's going on between you and Dylan, so I don't blame you for calling someone else. Do you think you'll be alright? Maybe you could spend the night at someone else's house." She reached over and brushed my baby hairs out of my face.

"No boys," my dad sternly added, but my mom just winked, silently giving me permission.

"Honestly, I'll be okay. I'll have to grow up at some point, right? College is just around the corner," I teased. Everyone suddenly quieted down, staring at the table as reality set in.

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