31- Let's Talk About It

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"Bella, have you ever considering going to therapy?"

Yes, I had. Would I admit that? Never. I had nothing against it, but the idea of going to talk about my petty problems seemed inconsiderate, especially when more broken people needed it. I was hardly broken, just a girl who needed a stranger to talk to.

Instead, I took on a more sarcastic approach. "I thought you were my therapist. I quite enjoy our free therapy sessions." I innocently batted my lashes at Mr. Cullen, who seemed rather amused by my reaction.

"Yeah, I might have to start charging you for that," he replied with a hint of teasing. In a flash, his face dripped of seriousness and I knew the conversation was taking a turn for the worst. "Bella, I'm serious though. You've stopped talking to me, I know you aren't talking to your friends either. I'm worried. You've been handling everything a little too well."

When he said talking, he obviously meant about my problems. It was true. I hadn't really told anyone what thoughts were looming through my mind. But I didn't see how that was a problem. I was totally fine.

"There's nothing to talk about."

His eyes narrowed into paper-thin slits. "Not even about a certain Cullen brother?"

I looked down at the desk I was sitting on. My hands ran over the smooth wood. Without ever lifting my gaze, I answered, "No. There's nothing to talk about."


"If you're going to pester me, I'm going to leave," I threatened. Albeit it was a weak threat, but I knew Damien well enough to know he didn't want that. After all, we were hanging out without the presence of a classroom of students after so long. I'd finally decided to swing by after school after what seemed like weeks.

He continued his wary stare but eventually dropped the subject. He focused on the computer screen in front of him. His fingers moved like lightning as he noisily typed on the keyboard.

The silence that set between us made me wonder if my company was no longer wanted. After a good two minutes of only the clicks coming from the keyboard, he finally spoke. "Are you excited about the wedding stuff?"

A grin cracked on my face. "Yes! I've never been asked to be a bridesmaid before! Granted, no one I know is old enough to get married, but still. Hopefully, this'll be good practice for when I really am."

I was more than relieved he changed the topic, more so about the wedding. Although we've only done the cake tasting, it was exhilarating to be included in something. I could go on for hours how excited I was.

Mr. Cullen frowned and pulled away from the screen. His dark eyes assessed my features as if he was trying to figure something out. "What do you mean 'when you really are'?"

I nervously chewed on my lip and looked anywhere but his scrutinizing eyes. For the first time, I was about to admit something that was roaming around my mind for a while. Damn Mr. Cullen! He always found a way for me to confide in him without trying. "I know Nat asked me to be a bridesmaid because I was dating Dean and she felt guilty if she didn't."

The words sounded weird out loud, but it was exactly what I've been thinking. Why else would she want me as a part of her wedding party? I was just her little brother's girlfriend. She was just being nice with the offer.

I was well aware of how insecure I sounded at the moment. I hated it. It left a weird taste in my mouth.

As I feared, Mr. Cullen laughed at me. I internally recoiled, bracing myself for him to mock me, to tell me everything I said was completely true. It was a sickening feeling. This is exactly why I never opened up to anyone anymore.

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