21- Repayment

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"So, I figured out what I want you to do for me."

I ignored the loud whisper and focused on the teacher ahead.

"Psst, Bella, are you listening to me?"


Something gently hit the side of my head. I turned to glare at Ben. "I'm trying to learn."

"No you're not," he smirked, leaning in closer. Somehow he managed to snag the desk beside me every day.

It scared me to see the parallels between him and Dean.

"You're daydreaming," he clarified, eyeing my face of any emotion that might've surfaced.

He was semi-right. Even though I was trying my best to pay attention, I couldn't. The teacher sounded like the adults from the movie Peanuts. The words on the board looked like alphabet soup.

All I could think about was Dean. I kept racking my brain to figure out where I went wrong. Was I too clingy? Was I not clingy enough? Was I too mean, or too nice? I understood he might've had feelings for Skylar, which resurfaced with her reappearance, but was that the only reason? Or was there something specifically wrong with me?

I knew I shouldn't have said anything about Skylar. She was a friend. Talking about her wearing his shirt only brought out the gross, jealous side of me. No one liked seeing that.

But he acted jealous all the time.

That was a good point. He'd turn into a ball of testosterone every time Andrew was near, sometimes even Reece. It was annoying, but nothing to break up over!

Rage began seeping through my veins. What a double standard! He had no right to do this to me.

Inhale. Exhale. Relax. What's done is done.

"–not listening."

"I'm sorry, what?" I looked up at the blond with a sheepish face.

He smugly smiled as I only proved his assumptions. "I have a suitable repayment for my forgiveness."

"I'm not having sex with you."

His eyes widened and a light pink shade crawled up his neck.

Holy shit, was he embarrassed? The almighty Ben Stark was embarrassed?

Was he a virgin? He acted as if he ruled the entire world. There's no way...

This was going to be more fun than I thought.

He took a few minutes to recompose himself, while I pretended to not notice how flustered he was. I casually faced forward and chewed on the end of my pencil - not in a gross way though. It was more like I held the eraser between my teeth. It was a habit I picked up on when distracted.

"I don't want to have... coitus with you."

My jaw dropped in disbelief, but then laugher took over. I covered my mouth to silence it, but it was a useless attempt. I sounded like a dying seal. A hyena maybe.

"Ms. Wilks, Mr. Stark, do we have a problem here?" the teacher asked, impatiently tapping his foot.

I couldn't answer because I was too busy laughing. Ben took the fall for me. "No, sir. Bella here just thinks the judicial branch is a joke."

My eyes widened and I quickly sobered up. "No! I just... Sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

The teacher sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It better not." And with that, he continued teaching.

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