30- Lunch Date

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"Yo Wilks, still want a ride?"

My hand lingered on my door handle as I whipped my head around. The motion caused me to be temporarily blind as my hair blew all over my face.

Once my vision was restored, I saw the beauty of a Lamborghini idling behind my parking spot. The constant purr of the engine was attracting a lot of attention. Students from all over were jealously eyeing the fortune on wheels.

Ben was leaning out his window, giving me an expectant look. His Ray-Bans were obscuring his eyes, making me wonder what type of look he was giving me. Was it a 'you're annoying scum' look or a 'we're friends now' look?

I hitched my backpack higher on my back and sighed. "No."

We had only hung out yesterday. Him asking to hang out again made it too easy. I still needed to play hard to get. For all I knew, I'd say yes today and he'd drop interest in me quicker than I could say 'bye'.

He pushed his glasses down on his nose to give me a peek of his judgemental eyes. "And why not?"

"I'm busy."

"What, you got a secret boyfriend or something?"

I'm not gonna lie, I did tense. But I relaxed as I realized that was far from the truth. Sure, I had a secret ex-boyfriend, but he couldn't hold that against me if he were to find out. I doubt he knew though. There's no way he wouldn't have mentioned it.

"I wish," I sighed, leaning against my car and crossing my arms. "I have a needy brother though."

His brows furrowed. "You have a brother?"

"Yup, and I need to feed us tonight, so I'll skip on the date."

His cheeks tinted the slightest shade of pink and I internally chuckled. He got embarrassed way too quickly.


I cringed as Justin approached me. He hadn't seemed to notice Ben yet. He walked straight toward me with a lazy smile on. "Aren't you supposed to be at practice?" I asked.

Justin slung a heavy arm around me. "Just wanted to let you know that the team is hanging out after so don't worry about me. I might spend the night too."

Crap. Well there goes my excuse.

Out of all the times Justin needed to meet me in school, it had to be right now? We barely saw each other in the first place. But now?

"Holy shit! Is that a Lamborghini Veneno? Ary, there's like three people in the world that own it!" Justin yelled, slapping my arm excitedly. I scowled and pushed him. "Do you know this guy?"

"Justin, go to practice," I said sternly. His face fell and he flipped me off. I couldn't help but smile and ruffle his hair, annoying him even more. "Go or else I'll tell your captain you're late because you were hanging with your girlfriend."

That was all it took for him to make a horrified face and run to the field.

"Your brother's a high schooler? Why do you have to take care of him?" Ben asked, bringing my attention back to him. When I didn't answer him, he cocked a brow. "Are you coming or not?"


His smirk fell. "Why not?"

"I need to feed my dog." Technically it wasn't a lie. I had to feed Ryder, but dinner. I just needed to say something to get out of this.

His smirk reappeared, forming knots in my stomach – and not the good kind. "Damn, a shame. I'll see you later then." He pushed down on the accelerator, forming a cloud of pollution as he sped off.

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