41- The Big Guy's Out to Get Me

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A r a b e l l a

God worked in mysterious ways. I wasn't even particularly religious but after today, I swore the Big Guy had it out for me. Did he find amusement in my life?

It all started during my student assistant shift. It was for the nurse's office. I was in there, minding my own business, when I realized I needed to tell Reece that the plan was off. I texted him and he told me to meet him at his office.

The nurse's office was hardly busy though. I told the nurse I had to grab something from my locker and she reluctantly let me go. I promised I'd be back in a minute.

As I was making my way to the locker room, I got busted. When a teacher stopped me to ask where I was going, I completely blanked. Not to mention I forgot my SA badge so I couldn't even lie about going to pick up an injured student.

Not my finest moment.

So yeah, that's how I ended up in detention.

As soon as I walked through the doors, I rolled my eyes. "Do they not hire any other teachers for detention?"

Mr. Cullen looked up from his book, amused. "Ironic." His eyes shifted from me to someone over my shoulder. I followed his lead and scanned the classroom. It was pretty empty, save for two other students. I guess the universe liked to conspire against me like that.

While his eyes were on Dean, who was sitting in one corner, mine drifted to Ben. Ben fucking Stark. Lord knew how he managed to get detention. He was sitting as far away from Dean as possible.

I turned back to Mr. Cullen and rolled my eyes again. "Why? Just, why?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "If only I knew."

I lowered my voice, even though I was already talking quietly. "Hey, as far as you're concerned, I don't know Dean, okay?" The amusement in his eyes made me assume he thought this request was for other reasons. How could he know about Ben? Even if I was no longer doing the mission, I still preferred my relation with Dean to stay a secret.

Without waiting for a response, I went and sat in the middle of the boys. This was so stupid. How could I get detention for skipping? I wasn't even skipping! Not to mention I didn't even get to talk to Reece.

I awkwardly cleared my throat in an attempt to cut through the tense silence that enveloped us.

It didn't work.

I was wrong. It wasn't only us three that got detention. The door swung open and I didn't stop myself from blurting, "Of course!"

Taylor's brows quirked as she heard me. After handing her detention pass to Mr. Cullen, she scanned the room. A smile tugged at her lips as she saw Dean, then Ben.

Please don't sit next to me. Please don't sit next to me. Please don't sit next to–

She plopped her butt down at the seat right next to me. I held back an audible groan. "What do you want?" We obviously weren't on good terms so I saw no reason for her to willingly sit next to me.

She innocently batted her lashes. "I want to call a truce."

"Is this because you lost homecoming queen?" I snorted. I earlier learned that Nina, a cheerleader, won runner-up. Since I didn't show, she was crowned with Jake.

She narrowed her eyes at me. Her glossed lips twitched into a frown. "Well, I didn't see you coming to collect your crown."

From the corner of my eye, I could see Ben's surprised face. He seriously must've thought I was joking when I said I was skipping out on the dance.

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