61- See You After Christmas

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The door to the study squeaked open and I whirled around in my big ass chair to face my company.

"Skylar, have a seat please." I gestured toward the chairs in front of my dad's desk, making my voice sound as professional as possible. He so sweetly allowed me to use his office for my own business today.

Okay, he didn't, but he's not home so he doesn't have to know.

She was dressed in tight leather pants and a red tube top. Her–surprise, surprise!–leather jacket was folded on her arm. Her hair was curled to perfection like it normally was and equally distributed in front of her shoulders.

"You're such a loser," the redhead snorted but took a seat on the left cushioned chair anyway. She crossed her legs, bouncing her foot and showing off her insanely high-heeled boots.

Dylan snorted from the doorway. "Agreed." Still, his tone of voice made him sound a little worried. I couldn't blame him. After all, I was doing what he did behind my back for years: interrogate potential boyfriends for me.

Recently, I found out that Dylan played the overprotective brother role a little too seriously. Whenever any boy expressed even a slight interest in me, he cornered them with some of his football buddies and basically told them to piss off in a non-threatening way.

I wasn't planning on scaring Skylar though. I just wanted to ask her some questions pertaining to her relationship with my best friend. After all, she was already on thin ice.

I sent him a very harsh glare. "Listen you, you do this whenever someone is remotely interested in me. Now it's my turn. Get. Out." My index finger pointed to the door.

Dylan pouted but left the study, leaving only Skylar and me alone. I folded my hands on top of the mahogany desk and tried to look intimidating. She casually leaned back in the chair, looking at her manicured nails.

This wasn't working out well. When Dylan interrogated boys on my behalf, they seemed like they were about to piss their pants. I didn't really know this for sure, but my sources say it's true. I, of course, never knew he secretly talked to them behind my back.

No wonder I was boyfriend-less for almost seventeen years of living.

But Skylar didn't look intimidated. In fact, she looked completely at ease.

Why was she so infuriating?

"So, tell me Ms..." I trailed, unsure of her last name.


Rolling my eyes, I continued. "Okay, Skylar, tell me what your intentions with Dylan are." When she scrunched her button nose, I realized that I sounded pretty lame.

Then she gave me her most condescending smile. "Sweetie, I know what you're doing."

I doubted that. "And what is it exactly?"

Her red lips quirked into a smile, but it was humorless. It looked a little devil-like.


"You're trying to see if I'm still a threat to your relationship."

I laughed. I couldn't help it. And when I saw her very confused expression, I laughed harder.

"I can see why you think that." I tried to control my smile but my lips weren't coordinating. "But no. For once, I am very confident in my relationship and I don't think some redhead skank is bound to ruin it."

Oops! Did I ever mention that I hated Skylar?

"I'm more concerned for my buddy Dylan here. Sorry to say the world doesn't revolve around you."

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