13- The Jocks

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"You know, I kinda changed my mind. I really don't want to go," I sighed.

Dean gave me a flat look, not amused in the least. "You're telling me this after we just pulled into the lot?"

"Yes, let's go."

He rolled his eyes. "I can't, I promised..." he trailed off and I narrowed my eyes, challenging him to continue. He cleared his throat and morphed his expression from nervous to blank. "I promised Sky we'd be here."

Breathe, Bella. Breathe.

"Okay, then you stay here and I'll go home," I drawled, even though I didn't want to leave him alone with Skylar. Lord knows what would happen between the two. It's not that I didn't trust him... I didn't trust her.

"No way! Besides, you promised Jaz you'd be here, right? You can't break that promise," he smirked as if he knew that would work.

But his expression dropped when I said, "She'll understand. I'll just go home."

"Arabella, I swear to god if you don't get out of this car right now I will throw you over my shoulder and drag you in there like a sack of potatoes."

I grumbled some profanities under my breath and unclicked my seatbelt. Dean had insisted on driving again, something about being the man of the relationship. I think it was more about him enjoying the smooth drive my car had to offer.

We met at the hood of the car. His hand reached out to grab mine, but I swatted it away, still irritated. He only rolled his eyes and tried again, but I did the same.

Hold hands with your precious Sky.

While we waited in line to grab out football tickets, I noticed him pulling out his phone, smiling at a text, shaking his head with a grin, then replying back. My brows subconsciously raised. Who was making him smile so wide over the phone?

Oh my god, I'm becoming more and more psycho.

We grabbed our tickets and I went ahead to find my friends. They were in the usual spot, close to the field.

I hesitated when I saw Emma sitting up there with them. My brain was screaming at me to run away. I couldn't deal with her right now, but I also didn't want to ignore her in front of everyone. They hadn't seen me yet. I could make a break for it.

Right as I turned on my heel, Dean was behind me with a knowing look. "Arabella," he warned. I rolled my eyes and turned around, trudging to my friends.

I decided to sit next to Jasmine, with Dean on my other side. Will sat next to him and Emma was on the opposite side of Jaz. She seemed nervous as she looked at me, like I was about to spill her darkest secret.

And I truly could if I wanted to.

But I was never one for airing out dirty laundry. She was still my friend after all. I just wish she had talked to me instead of doing this behind our backs. The same went for Dylan. At this point, I wasn't even mad, just disappointed.

"Is everything okay?" Jasmine subtly whispered, pretending to look over my shoulder.

"Peachy," I replied, trying to sound enthusiastic. The look on her face only proved she didn't believe me, but she didn't push. "Hey, where's Kim?"

"Ah, didn't come. She had work," she sighed in disappointment. I reassuringly patted her leg before focusing on the game. She informed me that almost everyone had forgiven Dylan at this point. They even sat with him at lunch today. I was a little disappointed in their weak wills, but also jealous that they had the ability to forgive and forget so easily. 

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