57- Expect the Unexpected

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My combat boots shuffled against the sticky floor. The leather jacket I borrowed from Jasmine clung to me and every move I made felt stiff. Even the thick eyeliner I had on didn't do anything to put me in my element.

I felt out of place.

Much to my dismay, I needed to speak to Skylar about some business. When I basically begged her to hang out with me, she said she had to work a band gig at a small concert venue. The crowd that went here was her type of people, hence the 'badass' outfit I struggled to put together. If Jasmine didn't dress like this, I would've been screwed.

Since this was the only place Skylar was willing to meet, I made the sacrifice. I had to wait until after the band was done performing. Who the hell had a concert on a Tuesday night anyway?

A peek of her red hair flashed. I perked up and saw her finishing her job. Her hair was tied back into a sleek ponytail. She wore her leather getup, as usual, but she looked much more natural in it compared to me.

When she caught my eye, she nodded toward one of the tables. I went ahead and took a seat. Out of nerves, my fingers drummed against the wood. Seconds later, she slid into the chair across from me.

"What do you want?"

Ah, Skylar. She was always blunt. I sat up straighter, hoping she knew that I meant business tonight. "Is there any way to check if Ben's alive and well?"

It had been a week and a few days since I've heard from Ben. Although I wasn't even sure if he received my letter, let alone if he wanted to talk to me, a small part of me began to worry for him. After all, he abandoned his mission. There were probably consequences for that. Did his boss find out and kill him? I couldn't stomach the thought.

For a moment, satisfaction flashed in her eyes. It was the first non-condescending emotion I ever saw from her. "Why? Do you have feelings for him?" she asked. Ah, it was still not well-intended.

"No." I didn't have to lie. "He was my friend, after all. I've noticed his disappearance. We both know that you all don't have the safest lifestyles. I just wanna make sure everything is okay with him."

She gave me a long look, presumably to gauge my honesty, before her shoulders slumped down. "He's alive. I've been tracking him. He's happily in New York, although I'm not sure why."

New York? He didn't go back to Chicago? A small smile appeared on my lips, wondering if he managed to escape gang life like Dean did.

"Hah, maybe it's fashion week," I lamely replied. I couldn't take her gaze any longer and I looked down at my lap. For a brief moment, I hesitated to tell her but I decided it's best. "He's probably not coming back."

"Bella," Skylar started, forcing my attention back on her pretty face. "Why did you cut off the mic when you went to visit him? What happened between the two of you?"

She knew. Of course she knew. While the boys may be oblivious, she isn't.

Nervously biting my lip, I focused on the chips on the table. "He told me he liked me."

I expected her to gasp or give me a smug look, indicating she was going to tattle on me to Dean, but instead I was met with her knowing look. "I figured. Is he gone for good?"

I nodded, a little confused. "How did you...?"

She gave me a flat look before explaining. "I'm the one hijacking into all of his stuff. Do you think I can't read simple body language? I could tell from all the times you guys were together at the parties."

My brows practically reached my hairline. I had no idea she saw all that. It explained how Dean never found out about it. She probably shooed him away.

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