48- A House Visit

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My nerves were off the charts. My legs bounced in anticipation as I sat on the couch in my living room. 

"You're wearing that?" Skylar said as she eyed my outfit with disdain. It wasn't a terrible outfit. Since it was chilly, I decided on dark jeans and a maroon sweater. I paired it with high-heel boots. It wasn't lazy but didn't scream 'try-hard' either. 

"Lay off, Skylar," Reece groaned. It was clear he was getting annoyed with her attitude. "She looks fine."

I innocently smiled. "I could go sluttier. Maybe something out of your closet?" 

Skylar didn't dress that slutty but the comeback was too good to miss. 

"Ha-ha," she sarcastically laughed. 

But concern still overtook me as I fidgeted with the hem of my sweater. Turning to Reece, I asked, "Should I go sluttier?"

"No!" Dean quickly interjected, sitting up from the couch he was lazing on. 

Reece smirked. "I don't know. Maybe Ben needs to see some more skin to get talking."

I knew he was saying that to rile Dean up, but I could rile both up. I jumped off the couch. "You're right! Skylar, come upstairs and help me find something." 

Reece grabbed my arm before I could move. "I was kidding," he said flatly.

"So was I," I smirked. He rolled his eyes and released his hold. I took a look at the bunch in front of me. "Okay, if we leave now, I'll be fashionably late."

"Yes, please, let's go," Skylar sighed with relief. I bit back the urge to roll my eyes and gestured toward the door. 

Along with my Jeep, a black van was parked on the driveway. Apparently, Reece drove all the way to Chicago to pick up the car for tonight. It was just one of many that his gang owned. It was equipped with a lot of useful technology. And weapons, of course. I asked why it was black instead of the stereotypical white vans we saw in movies.

They weren't amused. 

Apparently black was better to conceal in the darkness of the night. Duh.

Dean stopped me as the others got into the van. I was driving myself because coming in a black van was obviously suspicious. He pulled back my hair to expose the earpiece I had in. Not only could they hear me, but also talk to me if needed. 

"Good," he nodded before returning my hair to hide the device. "Remember, if you need us to get you, just say the safe word." 

We decided earlier that the safe word was 'cup of water'. I know– it was more of a phrase than a word. We decided it was the most inconspicuous thing to casually ask for. If I really needed water, I'd say 'glass of water'. But I doubted I'd ask anyway.

Dean let out a breath and rested his forehead against mine. "Please stay safe."

"I'll try," I replied, trying to make light of the situation with humor. He wasn't amused. "Okay, okay, I'll stay safe. Just make sure you don't freak out over little things, okay?" Translation: Don't pull me out early. 

I made sure Reece knew to not interfere unless I specifically said the safe words. I couldn't tell Dean because he'd assume I was planning something. I wasn't, but I also knew he'd interpret my every mood and assume something bad. 

"Fine," he sighed, his gaze flickering to my lips. I knew he wanted to ask, and I wanted to act, but I wasn't sure if it was the best idea. 

Normally he wouldn't think before he acted, let alone ask for permission, but he knew he was walking on thin ice and I doubted he wanted to risk anything.

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