33- Emma and Will Sitting in a Closet...

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"She's obviously not okay. She's barely mentioned the breakup and now she's freaking out about other things."

"Hey, they didn't break up, it's a break," Jaz whispered back to Dylan. "But I agree. And now she's barely spending time with us. I'm worried about her."

"Me too."

Hushed whispers were the first thing I heard when I woke up. It was obvious they were talking about me and I wanted to fake sleep for as long as possible to eavesdrop, but I also didn't like the assumptions they were making. If they dwelled on the topic any longer, I was bound to defend myself and drop my cover.

I rolled over in the bed and blindly felt around. When there were no bodies in the bed with me, I lazily shot up and rubbed my eyes.

The duo was standing at the foot of my bed. Dylan was more so pacing than sitting. His disheveled hair was proof that he kept running his hand through it. He wore different clothes than last night, making me wonder where he even got them from.

Jasmine was standing with her arms crossed. She leaned against the bed frame as her eyes followed Dylan. Her purple hair was tied in a messy ponytail and her face free of makeup. She was also wearing pajamas, courtesy of my closet.

Both of their whispers died down as they looked over at me. "Good morning, sleepyhead," Jaz smiled. I could tell she was faking it. "You feeling okay?"

I knew what she was referring to but I refused to acknowledge it. There's no way I wanted to talk about my mini freakout from last night. "Yup. I didn't drink much so I'm not hungover."


"That's good," Dylan interrupted, sending her a side glance. That's the thing I loved about Dylan. While Jasmine didn't hide her blatant attempts of prying information, Dylan did. He never outright forced me to talk about my emotions and for that I was grateful.

Jaz could be overbearing sometimes.

She sent him a short glare then looked back at me with a sympathetic smile. "We'll be downstairs working on breakfast."

"Wait!" I called out before they left. "Jaz, can you stay behind?"

She hesitantly nodded and gave Dylan a look. She was silently telling him she'd fill him in later, which made me roll my eyes. If I wanted him to know, I would've kept him here too.

He shot me one last wary look to make sure I was okay and then left.

Jaz, being the happy person she was, skipped over to the bed and plopped down. The mattress wobbled as she adjusted herself so she was flush next to me. "What's up?"

Based on her tone, she definitely was expecting me to talk about myself and the shit going on with Dean. But life wasn't fair and that wasn't even close to what I wanted to talk about.

"How's Emma?" is the first thing I asked.

She gave me a weird look before answering. "She's okay. We slept in one of the guest rooms together because someone kicked us out." She sent me a mock-pointed look before grinning. "But overall, I think letting her anger out really helped."

Perfect! That was just the thing I needed to hear. "So do you think they'll be civil with each other?"

"Bella, you're grinning like a maniac. Do I even wanna know what's going on in your mind?"

I realized she was right. I relaxed my face but I couldn't stop the plans brewing in my mind, which made me grin even wider.

There were so many things I could do, but the most obvious one was sticking Emma and Will into a room together and locking the door until they made up.

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