12- The Bad Habits Resume

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"Come on, let's skip," Dean whined, looking at me. His extremely long lashes, which I was jealous of, fluttered open as he pleaded to stay home. 

I shook my head. "As much as I'd love to, my mom wouldn't appreciate it."

He wrapped his fingers around my wrist and placed a soft kiss on it. "Babe, how many times have you been disobedient since I left?"

I thought about all my rebellious phases since then and came up empty. "None."

His eyes mischievously lit up. "Exactly! Come on, one day won't hurt. Besides, you said it yourself. You don't want to see your friends. And you'll see Jasmine at the game tonight. Please?"

A very small part of me knew he only wanted to skip so we'd avoid the whole deal we had going on with Reece and Skylar. I had pushed the argument to the back of my mind, knowing nothing good would come from it. I knew it was a serious matter. I would've liked to save Dean like the countless times he's saved me. I just needed to

"Fine, but if my parents get wind of this, pick out a casket," I sighed in defeat. His eyes widened a fraction, taking my threat seriously. I'm sure my parents wouldn't really care. After all, it was one day. Sure, it was only the second week of school, but it's not like I was skipping every day. Plus, it was normal for seniors to skip a lot.

"They won't," he reassured, but even he didn't sound as confident as moments before. I rolled my eyes and tried to get out of bed, but his arm snaked around me, restricting any movement. "Stay."

"I have to take Ryder out."

"He's fine," he protested, looking at the dog who somehow managed to sleep at the foot of the bed last night, even though I hadn't let him in. I found it best not to question it.

"Five more minutes," I sleepily grumbled before closing my eyes and embracing his warmth.


Five minutes turned into two hours.

When I finally woke up, it was bright outside. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes then noticed the absence of warmth in my bed. If Dean seriously convinced me to skip school then ditched, I was going to be pissed.

Instead, I decided to take a nice shower. After, I dressed in a casual dress I've been meaning to wear. The weather seemed perfect for it.

I also noticed Ryder was no longer in my room. With a frown, I trotted downstairs, looking for him.

A noise came from the library and I instantly followed. After cracking the door open, I saw Dean lounging in one of the chairs, reading an old book.

"Hey," I softly called out, trying not to scare him.

He looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Ah, sorry. I didn't know when you'd wake up. Sorry if I wasn't supposed to be in here. I was just intrigued by the selection."

I waved it off. "Don't worry about it." I sat on the armrest of his chair and leaned over. "Whatcha reading?"

"To Kill a Mocking Bird. I don't know, I'm not really into it," he sighed, shutting the book. He looked up at me and I leaned down, giving him a soft kiss. "Good morning," he smiled against my lips.

"Morning," I mumbled back, pulling away.

"Your dog's outside. I think he had to pee."

"Thanks," I grinned, hopping off the chair. Dean trailed behind me as I went outside to let Ryder back in. During the process, I saw a yellow post-it note on the backdoor. I snatched it and let him in, closing the door behind him.

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