60- Damn Him For Abandoning His Playerish Ways

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"Hey, pretty thang, care for a dance?"

I winced but relaxed when I was met with a familiar face. Luckily, it wasn't the person I was avoiding.

After my stupid word vomit before the wedding ceremony, I avoided Dean like the plague. I was way too embarrassed to face him. I scurried off to the reception hall before he caught up to me. And, lucky for me, his relatives swarmed him.

Ashton eyed his outstretched hand, then my wary face. "Oh, come on, I'm not that bad!"

Laughing, I took his arm. One dance didn't hurt, right? Besides, I think Dean was busy with his grandma or something. "You better not step on my toes."

"I'm not the one wearing six-inch heels," he retorted as he led me to the dance floor. "Besides, I'm an excellent dancer. How do you think I got all the ladies?"

His hands went to my waist and I looped my arms around his neck. Slowly, we swayed to the music. "What ladies? You seem pretty single to me."

He rolled his eyes, then focused on something behind me. "Yeesh, are you and Dean fighting?"

"No, why?" My heart rate picked up.

His eyes flitted back to me. "He looks like he's going to murder someone. I have yet to figure out whether it's directed toward me or you."

"Ugh," I groaned. "I said something embarrassing and now he probably hates me."

Ashton's brow raised. "Embarrassing? What did you say?"

My cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink. I couldn't bring myself to say it. "Don't worry about it."

"So," he cheekily grinned, "what I'm hearing is that you need a bodyguard to protect you from my brooding cousin?"

"Er... well not exactly–"

"Worry not, Bella, I gotchu," he smirked, looking back at his cousin.

Sighing, I knew it was useless to argue. Knowing him and all the other boys in my life, they'd try anyway. What was it with men and their need to prove they had testosterone?

We danced to the slow song until it was over. Ashton was going to ask me for another dance but it was time for the couple to make their big entrance. Taking my cramping feet, we both walked to our table and took a seat. We were lucky enough to have the same seating as the rehearsal dinner.

Unfortunately, that meant Dean was also at our table.

As much as Ashton tried to get me cornered in between him and someone else, it didn't work that way. When he told his sister to sit next to me, she was suspicious. One word from Dean and she moved to the other side of her brother. It was really unnecessary in my opinion but I appreciated it at the same time.


I ignored Dean.


I cleared my throat and faced Dean, my cheeks turning slightly pink. "Mhm?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Dean!" Ashley yelped. "Don't be rude!"

Dean rolled his eyes and turned back to face me. He had an expectant look on his face and it was then that I remembered I was supposed to answer his question.

"Nothing's wrong!" I lied. I wasn't even sure why I was so embarrassed. I mean, I had a reason to be, but that didn't mean it was a big deal. Sure, I implied that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and that came out super clingy and probably scared him away and now our breakup was inevitable...

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