CH 33

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This chapter wasn't updated ... sorry for mistakes, I'll fix it later!

Azure's POV (wednesday ...)

I honestly still cannot believe that Brianna was with Kennard too. My God. I am so happy that something told me to stick to her and look after her. He put me through some things but he did her worse. She's such a strong woman, if I had to go through the things that he put that poor girl through. I'm so proud of her for finally standing up for herself and leaving his no good ass. Y'all I swear, right hand on the bible, if I was her, I'd be serving a jail sentence.

I would've killed him or died trying to kill his ass for putting me through the bullshit he put Brianna through. That little son of a bitch has some serious deep issues.

I want to tell Ja'Zyion about Brianna being in a relationship with Kennard but then again I don't. Although he does deserve to know, especially since nine times out of ten they'll end up dating, but it's not my place to pry. When she's ready I'm sure that she'll tell him and they'll discuss it. I know my cousin, he's going to be pissed as fuck when she tells him, not mad at her, but he'll have a whole new reason to basically hate Kennard. I can't help but wonder though, how many other women lives has he destroyed with his presence. From what Bri told me he's much more horrible now. The beating, the rape, drug/alcohol use, and the physical, mental, and emotional abuse. I would've gone crazy, but it seems to not have affected her. She didn't let the circumstances define her, like, well like I did. I let the past affect my present and future. I envy Brianna in a lot of ways because I wish I could be as strong as she is and be able to just move on with my life.

Anyway, I'm headed now to my nail appointment, then my hair appointment, and then out to lunch with Karleynah. After that it's off to my house to take a nap and then wake up and get dressed for my graduation which is at 2pm. Words can't describe how excited I am to graduate, now I have to find the perfect building and then I can stop stripping. Easy ass money! And just my luck, I have a nice body and beautiful face, I don't have to get naked like most girls, I just dance. I want to stop but then again, I don't. No lie, I've fallen in love with the pole, I just got a strong love for the money!


After the graduation ...

I was so happy to walk across that stage and I heard my entire crew yelling my name and Amarion held up a cute little sign he made that read "my mommy did it, she graduated!" I thought it was so adorable, I got tears in my eyes.

I'm at my graduation party now and I feel so overwhelmed and emotional. Y'all I did it, I am not a statistic, I beat the odds. I graduated high school pregnant, I had a child out of wedlock, I overcame my past, I raised my son without his father around, and now I am a college graduate with a license in cosmetology and a degree in business management! I am so damn proud of myself and I know for certain that my parents are looking down and smiling at me as well. Now I know they wouldn't be too happy to see that I chose to strip, but I can only hope and pray that they see I was only doing it to provide for myself and my son. No it wasn't the only job I could've took on, but it was one that pays every single day and it was easy quick big money. My bank accounts got so many zero's it's ridiculous, but it's all worth it for my child.

The party is at my house and everybody is here. My baby boy, my aunt, Karleynah, Slick, Ja'Zyion, Brianna, a whole bunch of girls from the club, family, and a few family friends. Even Keisha is here, she helped cook all the food and decorate my house for tonight. Brianna and Ja'Zyion are all booed up in the corner smiling and talking, I really hope that it works out for them. I love the decor, everything is black and gold! I have no idea who's cleaning all this up but it definitely isn't going to be me, I am so exhausted right now. After I eat, have some cake, and open my gifts, I'm going upstairs for a long hot bubble bath and then go take my ass to sleep. I received so many amazing gifts, flowers, gift cards, money, clothes, designer shoes, handbags, jewelry, but the best gift of all came from my friend, and my boss. Slick gave me a check for $100,000 to put towards a building for my salon. I know some of you are wondering why I'm so excited for money when I got plenty of it, the point is, Slick don't just give money, his money long but he barely spending money unless it's for the club or his niece. And I know for sure he'll miss me but he wants so badly for me to get my building and actually be somebody, other than just a stripper. When I wanted to give up he motivated me, and if he couldn't all I had to do was look at Amarion and I was reminded that I can't stop, I have to do this, not for me, but for my son.

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