CH 10

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Ja’Zyion POV

After Azure went off on Keisha and left she texted me to tell me she was gone and would see us tomorrow afternoon. I honestly don’t blame her for going off. Keisha kind of didn’t deserve, it was really directed towards Kennard, but she brought that upon herself. For three years, Azure has had that built up frustration and anger towards him and his mother just ended up getting it. Why she thought we would give Amarion their name is beyond me. After Keisha left I helped my mom clean up the kitchen and I went upstairs to grab Amarion and head to my house. On the way home I texted Casey to let her know to come over to my place so we could talk. When I made it home I gave ran water for Amarion to take a bath and I let him stay up a little longer to watch a movie which he ended up falling asleep on. I decided to go ahead and take my shower but just as I turned on the water I heard a knock on my front door and shortly after the doorbell ring. I went to the door and opened it, already knowing who it was. “Hi” she said dryly coming into my house sitting down on the couch.

“For one fix the attitude Casey, I’m really not in the mood and if either one of us need to have a attitude then it should be me. You fucked me over, cheated, I might have a baby on the way, and you may have burned me. Just cause there aren’t any signs of an STD doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t have one. But that’s not why I called you over here. Look as much as I can’t stand you right now, you have a life growing inside you. When the time comes and that child is born I would feel miserable and sick to my damn stomach if the baby is mines and the entire 9 months of growth I was off doing my own thing not giving a fuck, I aint like most dudes you used to, you told me that yourself, that came out your mouth. I don’t want to be with you not now, and never again, but I promise you this, if the baby girl or boy growing inside of you belongs to me I will be there for you emotionally, and financially till I take my last breath. No matter what the circumstances are between you and I, will always be there for my child, you can believe that. I want to know every doctor’s appointment you have because I want to be there every step of the way.

But I need you to understand before your hormones and shit kick in, we are finished, I just want to focus on my career, and my family” I said looking at her with tears in her eyes. “But I love you though Zy why can’t we just move slow and you give me a second chances?” She asked me crying. “You don’t love anybody but yourself, be real. If you did love me like you claim you do then you’d support my dreams, you’d motivate me, and you damn for sure wouldn’t have cheated on me. I only believe in giving second chances to people who deserve them Casey” I said standing up to leave. “Lock up when you leave, see you Tuesday morning, I’ll come by your apartment tomorrow after I get out of practice to take you grocery shopping” I said walking towards my room. After taking out some clothes to put on I heard her sniffle and then the door close.

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