CH 29

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Azure's POV (one month later ...)

It's been a month since everything went down at the club. I took the next few days off and went back to work. I wasn't traumatized or anything, I just wanted to stay home and spend time with my son.

I didn't go to work and he didn't go to school. It was literally just us for a few days, I took him on a vacation to Jamaica. He enjoyed the scenery and swimming. Karleynah took off too so we hung out together while the kids played. Today is our first day back and I can honestly say I missed my house so much it's crazy. Amarion tapped out on me about an hour ago so it's just me. I guess I'll just watch reruns of Martin till he wakes up and we decide what we want to eat tonight. I heard my phone ringing so I looked through my purse and saw it was Keisha calling. I missed her call before I could answer, not that I wanted to talk anyway so I just texted her instead.

Me: I missed your call, what's up?

Keisha: Yes, I know you're back in town, I just wanted to know if Amarion could spend the night with me?

Me: Lmmfao

Keisha: What's so funny ...

Me: For one, when you came back into my life, I let you know up front that my child wouldn't be spending the night with you until I was comfortable with it, and newsflash I'm not , so that would be a no. And secondly, I'll never be cool with it, especially after what your son did to me.

Keisha: Azure, that was damn near 4 years ago let it go, don't keep my grandchild from me, please.

Me: I'm not keeping you away from Mari believe me, that would be trifling and petty, two things I am not. Well I can be a little petty, wait, that's not the point. I'm not bitter about what happened years ago, I'm talking about recently.

Keisha: What happened recently?

Me: So your son didn't tell you that he somehow someway found out where I work, tried to have sex with me, when I said no he put his hands on me? Then to make matters worse, he stole your cellphone, got my number, and harassed me for hours after the incident at my workplace. I have a restraining order against him for me as well as my son. He is to come nowhere near us.

Just in case she feels like I'm full of bullshit I decided to screenshot all of his calls and messages and send them to her phone so she could see them for herself. Knowing her she wouldn't believe me without proof, she swear Kennard's shit don't stank. I love my child, but I'll be damned if I say he don't do no wrong. I hate parents like that, they know damn well the bullshit their kids do but try to act like nothing happens and they have the perfect children. It's just sad on their part. Even knowing all the things he put me through she stay trying to make excuses for that bastard, and this time, I will not accept it, even if it means she won't be in my son's life, oh well.

Keisha: Azure

Me: Yeah??

Keisha: I am so sorry, I promise you I had no idea about any of this happening. I am so sorry.

Me: You straight, my problem isn't with you. You can see Amarion if you want, just not at your house, because Kennard lives there.

Keisha: I understand, but ...

Me: No, don't you dare try to defend him. There are no buts Keisha, sorry but not sorry. Kennard will have to see me in court if he so much as think he can breath the same air as Amarion, they will not see each other, speak on the phone, FaceTime, Oovoo, Kik, Glide, SnapChat, none of the above. He has officially completely overstepped his boundaries. Like I said you feel free to see Amarion either at my house, my aunt's house, or we'll meet you somewhere, that's fine with me. I have nothing personally against you.

Keisha: That wasn't what I was going to say.

Me: So what is it?

Keisha: Azure, the Kennard you saw is sick.

Me: Yeah, in the fucking head.

Keisha: You know?

Me: Know what? I was being sarcastic.

Keisha: Azure, Kennard is severely bipolar. I know for certain he hasn't been taking his medicine in over a year and a half now. On top of that he's doing drugs. What type of drugs, I am uncertain. I've found powder, pills, weed. I guess he does whatever he can get his hands on. I haven't seen him in a few days, Im not concerned because he's done this before, he randomly goes missing then comes home. Wherever he is I'm sure he's fine, if not I pray God give me strength. I just know in my heart I'll bury that boy sometime soon. I'm sorry for the way he talked to you, and him referring to Amarion, as a bastard, is inexcusable. I cannot believe he'd do that, and put his hands on you. I was wondering who beat his ass the next day. He said that he got on a bar fight. This is all my fault, I should've raised him better.

Me: No, you will not blame yourself. You can do your absolute best to raise your children, it's up to them to grasp what you teach and apply it to their lives.

I feel kind of bad for her after hearing everything about Kennard. In a way, I see now why she sometimes baby him and takes up for him. I get that she's saying that he's not himself because he's not on his meds but I will NOT accept that sorry ass excuse. Kennard is a grown ass man, he chooses not to take his medicine, he choose to do drugs, those are choices, nobody is forcing him. Therefore, I will not sympathize with nor for him. Fuck all that.

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