CH 9

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I walked up stairs to wake up Amarion so that he could meet Keisha. “Come on baby” I said kissing him all over his face as she tried to push me away smiling. He acts like he don’t like my kisses yet he smiles, fake self, know he love his mommy kisses! “Otay” he said finally giving up and sitting up in the bed taking off the covers.

I put back on his shirt, pants, and shoes and held his hand walking out of his bedroom at my aunt’s house. “Lord Jesus please be a fence all around me, help me to hold my tongue and watch my mouth when it comes to this lady. Oh and sweet baby Jesus born in that manger, if she say something out the way and the devil make me slap her, please let them give me bond. In your powerful name, amen” I said walking down the back staircase towards the kitchen. “Amen baby Jesus” Amarion said smiling as I laughed picking him up to kiss his cheek. “What that boy saying amen about” my auntie asked smiling. “Mommy pray aunt LeLe for a fence bond” he said as she looked confused. I laughed at the look on her face. “Don’t worry about it auntie, it was between God, Mari, and me I said laughing. “I guess” she said putting food on the table. Until she moved I didn’t even notice Keisha sitting at the table holding a baby. “Hi Azure” I heard her say, I mean mugged her until I felt Za’Leyna pinch my side.

“Amarion baby, this is Ms Keisha, she’s your grandmother” I said leaning down getting eye level with him. “No, granny Zaynah and grandpa Adam in heaven mommy” he said looking lost, lord my poor baby. “Yes baby they are and the watch over and protect us, but they are my mommy and daddy. Ms Keisha is your sperm” I started saying as my aunt cut me off “Azure Denise Johnson” she yelled as I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. “Fine, like I was saying, Ms Keisha is your father’s mommy, do you understand Mari” I asked him looking into his eyes. “Yes ma’am” he said smiling. “Hi, my name is Amarion Adam Johnson” he said walking up to her to shake her hand. She looked shocked at how great he talked and how well-mannered he was. I raised my child right, he’s very intelligent at a young age, I am trying to raise him to be a good man one day. The complete opposite of his dead beat father. “Nice to meet you Amarion” she said smiling at him with tears in her eyes. “He has those ears and nose just like Kennard” she said as I chuckled to myself and sat down.

I could tell she noticed my attitude but I really didn’t give two fucks. “Amarion is your cousin Kameron” she said as the little boy smiled, he had to have been one years old. Amarion gave him a hug and walked away and sat in the chair next to mines. We began to eat as everybody talked to one another but I was into my phone texting Karleynah about the so called family dinner we were having. “So Azure, why doesn’t my grandson have my last name?” Keisha asked and my Ja’Zyion damn near chocked on his food. “Amarion go to your room, now” I said as he quickly stood up and ran up the stairs, I never yelled at Amarion, but he knew when not to play with me. After I was cure he was in his room I turned my attention back to Keisha. “Look Keisha I tried to play nice with you by allowing you to see my child” I said as she cut me off. “You didn’t allow anything, I am grown and he’s not just yours, it takes two” she said getting loud with me. Lord I thought I asked for help, I see the devil wanna see me go there. i began laughing before talking to this delusional female again. “I allowed it because I could’ve simply said no like my first mind told me to do. You’re right it does take two to make a child, but it also take two plus a village to raise one also. Was your son there to help? No. was your ass there to help? No. therefore fuck your last name.

I named MY child what I wanted to name him. His middle and last name are my father’s first and last name; I named him that because my father was a man. Your son is still a little ass, ignorant, childish, dead beat ass boy. Your son is the one who cheated on me and fucked my damn bet friend on the day I found out I was pregnant. I wasn’t not the person in the wrong here, your son was, don’t forget that. My child is three and you just now want to see him? The hell you thought this was. Let’s be clear Amarion don’t need you nor your son, we been doing just fine since day one and will remain fine. When he had a bloody nose, a fever, a upset tummy, had surgery were y’all there, no. so don’t come at me like I just disrespected you or something. You got my fucked up, I aint that little fifteen year old girl you met back then. I’m a grown ass woman, doing grown woman things, with grown woman bills, and grown women goals. I don’t give a damn about nobody if it aint my child, family, or my best friend and her twins. The heartless bitch I am today, thank your son for doing that. You and your son can kiss my ass. Auntie I know I said I would behave but that shit just pissed me off. Hell I look like giving my child Kennard bitch ass little name?” I said standing up and walking up the stairs before Keisha could even reply back to me. I could tell by the look on her face she was definitely not expecting me to react the way I did. I kissed Amarion goodbye and told him I’d see him tomorrow after he got out of daycare.

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