CH 1

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A/N: So, for those reading ADLT, I know I said I was only posting the first 5 chapters, but I lied! I decided since I love y’all so much and I see mad love, to post the first 18 chapters instead of just 5! See how much I love you guys? Now since I been so generous and slaved for these 12,722 words (for ch 1-18) I need to see them comments and/or votes! Enjoy! This book will be posted sort of quick, and not so spaced out like ADLT, I promise.



Azure’s POV

Hey, my name is Azure Johnson! During the day I am twenty year old single parent to my handsome son Amarion Adam Johnson, and college student. But at night I go by “Seduction” at the hottest club in the city, Exotics. Yeah, that’s right, I’m a stripper. Don’t judge me; I only became a stripper to make my money for my son. You don’t find too many twenty year olds with houses as big as mines, if they even have a house. No I’m not bragging or nothing, I’m just saying, I worked hard for everything I have and I won’t stop until I am satisfied. All my monty I make goes to a fund for Amarion for school and if anything ever happened to me. I also have over 4 mill stacked up inan account just in case so me and my son straight, believe that. My love for money is strong as fuck, no lie.

God, my son, my family, and my money, and in that order! I only have one actual friend, Karleyna, or better known at the club as Boss Bitch. That girl right here been riding for me since I step foot in Exotics. She has a set of twins that are my god-kids. Khyra and Khyrin mean the absolute world to me. To be honest, in the beginning I hated dancing on the pole, having nasty ass men watching me, but after a while, I got over it, I mean a regular 9-5 can’t support me and my child the way I need it to, so I come up in here and leave with at least two duffle bags full of money, even on a bad night. Boss and I are just two of the ten top girls up in here. I don’t plan on being here for forever, I want my child to grow up and not be ashamed of what his momma does for a  living. But as of right now, shit, this is what pay’s all my bills and then some, so I’m sticking with it. The only people in my family that know are my cousin, Ja’Zyion, and my aunt, Za’Leyna but they don’t judge me. They don’t like it at all, but they love me just the same. To keep a low profile, I don’t strip in the city I live in; my job is an hour away, so when I’m out with my son, nobody recognizes me. My son’s dead beat ass father, Kennard, doesn’t do anything financially, emotionally, nothing, doesn’t even see my son. But the way I see it, fuck him, my child don’t want or need for nothing cause his momma take good care of him. I been doing this by myself since the day I found out I was pregnant. You see my mother, Zaynah, may God rest her soul, was happily married to my father, Adam, until my dad died when I was seven years old. My mom met a man named Ricardo about three years after my pops died.

Rico moved in with us soon after they started dating. In the beginning everything was fine, he was sweet, kind, and took care of us, and my mother, was finally smiling since the death of my father. Everything was fine until Rico started molesting me, he even let his friends touch me for money, he threatened that if I told he’d kill me, so I never told my mom, and I just laid there and took it. One day my mom forgot something at home, and came home on her break, she caught him rapping me and put him out. That night I told her everything and she took me to the hospital where she pressed charges and he was arrested. For once in a long ass time I felt safe, but that was until Rico decided to get revenge and he put a hit out on my mom and she was murdered. He was right when he said he’d kill me if I told, not having my dad or my mother, killed me on the inside. From that day forth, I became a little coldhearted towards everything and everybody except my family. After my mom’s funeral I was sent to live with my aunt Za’Leyna and her son Ja’Zyion. The day of my seventeenth birthday I went to the doctor’s office because I had been in pain, I found out that I was 6 weeks pregnant, I had only had sex one time, it was honestly a mistake, I just felt so loved by Kennard, it just happened, I was confused and lost. I didn’t believe in abortions, but I didn’t know what I would do with a child. After leaving the doctor’s office I drove over to Kennard’s house to tell him, since his mom gave me a key, I just went on in; I heard noises from upstairs so I knew he was up there. When I got closer, I realized I was hearing moaning, I instantly got pissed knowing it was him because his mom‘s car was gone.

I opened his door and was completely shocked to see my boyfriend, and my best friend Ebony fucking. That day hurt just as bad as having to bury both of my parents before I even turn fourteen years old. I trusted those two with my life, they both meant a lot to me at the time, and they betrayed me in the worst way possible. The last few pieces of my heart I had left broke in that very second. Although I was definitely not ready to be mother, I saw Amarion as a blessing, my dad died when I was 7, I got pregnant and had Amarion when I was 17, he was born on my Mother’s birthday and he has physical traits from me that I had from them, he was my gift from my parents and God. As bad as this may sound, the only people that matter in my life are God, Zaynah, Adam, Amarion, Ja’Zyion, Za’Leyna, Karleyna, Khyra, and Khyrin, if aint them, then fuck you, that’s just my attitude. You can thank Ricardo Antonio, Ebony Richardson, and Kennard Westbrook for making me this cold, heartless ass bitch!

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