CH 20

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Jermaine's POV

I don't really know what it was about that girl but I just had to talk to her. She just looks so exotic, her voice is beautiful and her body was amazing. I can tell just by look in in her eyes that somebody did her wrong. I can tell by her attitude that she took whatever happened in the past to heart and takes it out on everybody. But I need her to understand that you can't master your future being a slave to your past. In other words you have to let the past be the past, and try your damn hardest to make the present good so your future can be great.

I'm not saying I'm just trying to fuck her or nothing, I definitely would like to go out with her and just be able to talk to her and see what from her past makes so heartless. Whatever it was, it caused her pain, but my mom always taught me that pain was only the birth of wisdom.

I know I either threw her off, or offended her by leaving that money but shit, oh well, I'm a very blunt type of person. I go for what I want and I definitely want Azure.

After spending about another thirty minutes or so in the mall I went to go buy my baby girl some clothes and shoes.

Jermainey is four months old and she means the absolute world to me. I know some of y'all probably like "the fuck is her name" lol, but it's pronounced Germany. Since my name is Jermaine, and her mom's name is Jamekia she decided to spell it with a "J" instead. Trust me, that was definitely not my idea, at all. I only gave her the middle name, which is Marie just like my mom's and of course she has my last name, Davis. As much as I love my daughter I cannot stand her trifling ass mom, I swear you have to be careful who you lay down with. I met her at a party and it was cool, we went out like a week later, then I went out of town for two months on business. While I was gone we talked on and off. When I came back I went to chill with her and ended up having sex. When she popped up pregnant I was shocked cause I strapped up.

I'm a grown ass man, I know condoms ain't 100% but I was still shocked. Now imagine how shocked I was when while sitting at her doctors appointment and find out some foul shit.  She went to get weighed and I stayed in the room waiting, I needed to see for myself that she was pregnant. The doctor and I quote said "I was shocked when Miss Smith came to me and said she wanted to get off of her birth control, but she assured me that you two were ready to started a family" to say I was pissed would be an understatement. When she got back I confronted her in front of the doctor and she broke down crying. She confessed to poking holes in my condom and stopping her birth control while I was gone to get pregnant by me. If she wasn't carrying my child I would man handled her dumb ass. Who the fuck does shit like this? I got you and walked out, she blew my damn phone up talking about child support and shit, like seriously bitch? Man, listen I don't put my hands on women in no violent way, and I don't normally call a female out her name, but she deserved to be called a bitch.

When I refused to be in a relationship with her, she tried to frame me, and then threatened to keep me away from my child. I seriously think that she has some physiological issues going on in that small ass brain of hers.

Anyway, clearly I don't have shit to do with her. If it ain't got shit to do with my child, she knows not to call my damn phone. I cannot stand her at all. She ain't nothing but a delusional, egotistical, money hungry gold-digger. I can't lie, she got a nice body, and she talk a real good game. But the prettiest woman with a nasty attitude can quickly become the ugliest woman to me.

After dropping off my daughter's clothes and shoes at my house and putting them away in her room, I headed to the record label for an important meeting. Once the meeting was finished and contracts where negotiated, I headed to my office to work a little before heading to Jamekia's to picking up my baby girl. Just then I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said typing away on my computer and looking through some files. "Yo" my best friend Bobby said walking through the door. "What's up man?" I said standing up to give him dap. "Chilling, what you up to?" He asked going inside my mini fridge and grabbing a drink. "Nothing, finishing up a few things then headed to my baby mom's to pick up my baby girl." I said. "Damn, I need to come through and see by god-daughter. I haven't seen her since last week" he said looking at his phone.

"Man I sometimes think about getting custody, shit her mom's barely have her, but then it's like, I travel and work so much, I don't want to neglect her too, you feel me" I said to him taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, I get it. But shit, you got momma if you need any help, and me too if I'm in town, you know I don't travel as much as you do" he said referring to my mom's, Amberlina. She's something like a mom to him since he lost his mom when he was ten and his dad worked a lot, so he stayed with my family a lot, so he's like a brother to me. "Yeah, I know, I'm going to seriously take it into consideration though, I just need y'all support. I already know this will be a hard battle, she going to play dirty, but I'm ready" I said shaking my head. "Man that chick crazy" he said laughing at the situation I got myself into. "Yeah, she is, but end of the day, she gave me Jermainey, and she's the best thing that has ever happen to me, and I love my princess" I said looking down at my phone, my lockscreen is a picture of her that I snapped when I caught her smiling in her sleep.

While I finished up my work we continued to talk and I told him about Azure and her friend Karleynah that I met earlier today. He was shocked to hear me talking so fondly of Azure but for some reason I just couldn't help it. I don't know her number, where she lives, hell I don't even know her last name, but what I do know is that I absolutely have to get to know her.

So what y'all think about Jermaine's baby momma? Can you say crazy? But oh trust and believe, y'all ain't even seen the half of it yet! Tisk. Tisk. Tisk. Oh the drama I have planned for this book! Enjoy! -Beautiful_Storm

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