CH 5

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Ja’Zyion POV

What’s good? I’m Ja’Zyion but you can just call me Jay though. Azure is my favorite cousin, but she’s more like my sister, and best friend. We know literally everything about each other, and I do mean everything. When Azure found out that she was pregnant I was so disappointed in her, I knew that Kennard wasn’t bout shit, but she loved him, I warned her about him, but a woman in love will do whatever her heart is telling her to do. I’m six foot seven, caramel completion, and grey eyes, low fade with deep waves. I did have a girl, but we not together anymore, I thought she was a rider but I was wrong. When I found out that she cheated on me I kicked her ass to the curb. Don’t get me wrong, I aint no soft dude or nothing, it’s just that I took this girl in, let her sleep at my crib till she got on her feet, I took care of her, I could’ve been fucking off on her, shit, pussy was coming at me left and right, but I turned down every single bitch cause I only had eyes for Casey. I did everything right, before her I aint really care about females, I had a chick around me, she was like a fuck buddy, I got rid of her when I met Casey, I quit parting as hard, and I did everything in my manpower to make her happy, only to get slapped in the face with some bullshit, then she claimed she cheated cause I was too into the basketball than her. Tough shit, basketball is my life, and I’m praying God see fit, to let it become my career after this last year of college.

I am married to basketball. I been playing since I was four years old, I’m now twenty-one years old. I am my parent’s only child. My pops died in a car accident the day my mother had me, he was on the way to witness my birth when a drunk driver hit him. He stayed in a coma for two years before my mother finally agreed to just put him out of his misery and pull the plug. Every time we went to see him, I sat with him while momma talked to him. My mother is my queen, Azure is my princess, and Amarion is my little prince, they the only people that matter in my life right now.

Just being real, I was cool with Kennard until he fucked with my cousin heart, disowned Amarion, and then acted like he didn’t father a child, that dude a sorry excuse for a human being, we grown now, and he still childish, the shit is truly just sad. I was just in the middle of making me something to eat when I heard a knock on my front door. “Who is it?” I asked turning down my tv. “It’s me” I heard her say, I haven’t spoken to her since we broke up a little over a month ago, I really don’t feel like talking to her but I mean, shit she here now, and she know I’m here, might as well. I opened the door and could tell that she had been crying. “What’s up, I can tell you been crying and you show up at my door step at 6:30 in the morning on a Sunday” I said picking up my phone looking at twitter. The next sentence she said, I was definitely not prepared to hear, soon as she said it, I dropped my damn phone; it felt like I couldn’t breathe no more. “You what?” I stood up and yelled. Man, I don’t hit females, but I swear I want to slap the shit out of her for what she just said.

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