CH 23

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Azure's POV

Once I got out of my early morning class I decided to go to the gym to work out. After being there for two hours I headed home to shower and change into some clothes. I decided to just be casual so I put on black tanktop, a pair of ripped up skinny jeans, and a pair of cheetah print toms. I left my hair down it was now back wavy since it got wet in the shower. I grabbed by car keys, put my debit card in my back pocket, picked up my phone and headed out the door. I feel like I haven't seen my baby so I'm going to pick him you from daycare, but I needed to text Ja'Zyion to let him know before I forgot.

Me: You don't have to get Mari today, I'm omw to pick him up now …

Fav Cuzo: What's wrong, is he sick?

Me: No, I just miss my baby O_o

Fav Cuzo: Oh okay, big ass baby lol. But do you need me to get him from your house or you dropping him off to me?

Me: Don't talk about me. Which ever better for you, well nvm, come to my house, I'll cook for y'all tonight, you can stay at my place if you want to, it's up to you. 

Fav Cuzo: Iight, we'll just stay there.

Me: Kk. Wyd? How was your midterm this morning? I made a 90% on Professor Jones, and a 84% on Professor Morris exam.

Fav Cuzo: I'm out to eat with Casey, we just left her doctor's appointment. I knew she was hungry so I decided to just eat with her. And mines was good, I only had one, I don't know what I made, I haven't checked online yet, but I feel pretty good about it though.

Me: Awwe! I'm proud of you poopie for stepping up! That takes a real man. Are you excited?

Fav Cuzo: Thanks, you know I would've done the right thing. And I cannot explain it but seeing the baby on the ultrasound did something to me man. Even if he/she isn't mines I will still be the father regardless, and be there 100% I cannot let this girl struggle.

Me: Auntie Zay raised you right! I don't too much care for her because of how she did you, but I will make arrangements to go out, maybe go baby shopping with her. She's basically in the family now. She could use another woman's perspective.

Fav Cuzo: Thank you for that, I know she'd love that.

Me: No need for a thank you. I love you, see you later.

Fav Cuzo: Love you too squirt!

I'm so proud of the man that Ja'Zyion has become. I pray that between my aunt, Ja'Zyion, and me that Amarion grows up to be a strong minded man. We do our best to teach him right from wrong and I can honestly say at the age of three my son has great manners and he speaks like he's double his age. He knows already I will not play about his grades when it comes to schooling. I am not raising a little boy, I am raising a man. I want for my son to be everything that his father should've been.

After I picked up Amarion he was shocked to see me but happy to be spending the day with me. Since I got an email of a few stores with great sales I decided to take my little man shopping. We went to the Polo outlet and I let him pick out three outfits that he wanted, with my assistance of course, we then headed to Kids Footlocker and Champs so he could find three pair of shoes to match his outfits. After getting his clothes I let him pick where he wanted to eat. And of course being my child he decides he wanted MacDonald's his favorite place. After going through the drive through I got him a ten piece nugget meal small with a fruitopia with no ice, I got myself a grilled chicken salad and a sprite with no ice and we headed home. We sat at the kitchen table then headed to the living room watching whatever he wanted to watch until we both drifted off to sleep. I was having a dream about the guy I met at the mall the other day, Jermaine, and I heard Amarion talking. I woke up fully to see him on my phone talking but I heard him say "Uncle Zy" so I already knew he was talking to Ja'Zyion.

Just as I was turning down the tv I heard his little feet running into the living room. "Mari, do we run in the house?" I asked him turning around to face the direction I heard his feet come from. "No ma'am. The phone momma" he said sitting down next to me.

"Mari, if it's not your uncle Ja'Zyion, aunt Lina, or Karyleynah don't answer okay" I whispered to him seeing the unknown number displayed on by screen. "Go outside and play" I said kissing his forehead and walking right behind him.

"Hello?" I said into the phone watching Amarion run around outside on his custom made playground in my backyard. "Azure" the woman said, "Yes, who is this" I asked getting annoyed. "Keisha" she said and I instantly rolled my eyes. "Look, I apologize for the way I came at you okay. I was wrong, I admt that. I shouldn't have questioned your decisions as a parent, especially since Kennard wasn't being much of a parent to Amarion. I need you to know that I see that you've done an excellent job raising him. He's so smart and so handsome. I hope we can let bygones be bygones and move past this. I would really love it if I could be apart of by oldest grandchild's life, if that's okay with you." She said sounding a little sad. "Keisha I don't have anything against you, it's Kennard that I have a problem with. I know he never told you the entire story so I will. I will not keep you from your grandson. I accept your apology, and I apologize for the way I spoke to you, it was unnecessary, I was just upset, but I had no right to take out my anger towards Kennard out on you. If you would like I can give you directions to my house and you could see him now or tomorrow, before I have to go to work, whichever is best for you" I told her nicely. She agreed and told me that she would come tomorrow.

As much as I hate Kennard fucking guts, I can't fault his mother for his wrongs. Maybe when I tell her the whole story she can understand why I feel the way I do towards Kennard, and all men.

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