CH 27

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Kennard's POV

I'm pretty sure all of you guys hate me for what I did to your little precious "AZURE"  but whatever man, fuck her and fuck y'all too. I get it. I cheated on her but I mean all guys cheat right? Well that's not true but women love to say that.

I liked Azure just to be real with you, I really did but I mean, I was horny and Ebony was there so why not? Yes, Ebony was Azure's best friend but to me, pussy is pussy, no matter who you are or who you're friends with. I don't really give a fuck about being in Azure's son life, whatever his name is. Shit, according to my Momma she doing pretty good for herself. I hear she has a big ass house, two cars, and she makes sure her child is always looking fresh. So why should I come around? As of right now, I'm only concerned about me. Maybe one day I'll go see him, I wonderful what he looks like, what he sounds like, his favorite food, and color, does he like sports? But I know of I try, Azure is just going to be a little bitch about it, and I'd rather not deal with her.

I decided to go on a little road trip since my Momma was getting on my last damn nerves talking about I need to man up and talk to Azure and shit.

I took her car and hit the road, she don't have to work tomorrow so she should be okay. I'm sitting here at this strip club that I heard was good so I'm just sitting here chilling and relaxing. I'm high as fuck and drunk as fuck and feeling good. All these chicks in Hegel thick, like every single one of them, I haven't seen an ugly girl yet. When the dj called out this chick named Seduction my blood pressure went through the damn roof. I cannot believe her. This shit funny as fuck, I wonder while talking did she admit to being a nasty dirty  ass stripper. She ain't taking care of my kid, all these thirsty ass niggas are. As soon as she get off that stage I'm going to pull her to the side. Since she like to get naked, ima let her get naked, I wonder if she'll let me fuck. I can't lie, even when she was 18, her pussy was good as hell. I understand why Rico was rapping her! I couldn't stop laughing, I ordered me another shot and hurry up and stood up when I saw Azure come out dressed differently. Damn man, she look good as fuck. She was always a little thick but I guess that pregnancy did her body some good. Nice thighs, no stretch marks, titties sitting up right, and them tattoos she got. Man I'm getting hard thinking about all the things I wanna do to her.

"Yo, what's up Azure, or should I say "S E D U C T I O N" I whispered in her ear coming up behind her. She froze dead in her tracks when I said her name.

"Kennard the fuck are you doing here, and don't say my fucking name out loud like that" she said through clenched teeth, clearly pissed off with my presence. "I miss you, give me a lap dance" I said licking my lips. As soon as she sits down ima try to ram inside of her. "I ain't giving you shit bitch, the fuck out my face" she said walking away. I grabbed her and swung her around slapping her disrespectful ass.


Jermaine's POV

I could tell Azure was annoyed with the man talking to her but I didn't know why. She's not my sister, friend, or girl so I decided to just let it go, it wasn't my business. I was about to tell Bobby I was about to head out and talk to him later, but then I saw the guy grab her and slap her, she may not be mines but I do not condone woman beaters. Like why the fuck would you raise your hand to a woman.

You was raised by a woman, brought into this world by a woman, you should never wanna cause a woman bodily harm, or even emotional harm.

Without a word I ran over and punched his ass. When he swung back I began to beat his ass. I felt hands on me trying to grab me and I could faintly hear voices around me trying to get my attention and tell me to stop, but I just couldn't. In that moment I didn't care that I didn't know Azure and she didn't know me. It didn't matter that this man, well boy could've possibly been her boyfriend. A man would never hit on a woman, only a pussy ass boy would, to make themselves feel like they have power and authority, when in actuality it really just makes them look weak. I continued to punch him in his face, he swung but missed every time. "What type of man hits on a woman, you a pussy ass boy" I growled while continuing to punch him. "He's had enough bro, let it go" I heard Bobby say as I felt him pulling me back. I'm stronger and a little bigger than him, but looking at the guys face, Bobby was right.

I had completely reconstructed his entire face with my fist.

Damn, I barely know her, but seeing that got me so damn pissed off. Normally I would just say something, but in this case, I had to hurt him back for hurting her. He deserved everything, I regret nothing. I felt like I needed to step up. Like I had to protect her, almost like she was, like she was mines.


Azure's POV

I cannot believe that he actually showed up here and had the audacity to put his damn hands on me.

Kennard never once raised a hand to me when we were younger, I know people change but, well I don't know. I wanted to beat his ass, but somebody beat me to it. I wanted to thank him but, his friend stopped him, and that's when I saw his face, it was the man I met at the mall, Jermaine. I feel so embarrassed that he saw me here, dancing. I'm not ashamed, because I mean I have to survive, I have to provide for me and my child.

But for some reason I was hoping that if we ever, by any chance, ran into each other again, it was outside of Exotics, far away from it. I can't believe he did that to Kennard's face. I mean y'all it looks so bad I can't even put into words how bad he just fucked Kennard's face up. I don't feel sorry for him though, that's what he gets. Even though he got his ass whooped, I am not done with him, he will definitely get his. It may not be today, tomorrow, or the day after that. But karma is a bitch and she don't show no mercy for favoritism. I'm not even personally worried about him, because in due time, he will get his. He will get exactly what he deserves. I want to know why Jermaine did that though. Was it just because I was a female and he thought I couldn't fend for myself? Did he just feel like he needed to protect me? Did he even know it was me? I just sat and thought as I stared at myself in the mirror in my dressing room. Man I need to get the hell out of here, I've had enough right about now

For The Love Of MoneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon