CH 30

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Later that day ...

After I got up and cooked Amarion and I ate then watched movies until we fell asleep. I decided to make baked spaghetti with sausage and three layers of cheese, garlic bread, corn on the cob, and a salad with tomato, ham, turkey, & shredded cheese. Y'all already know Ja'Zyion came over here and smashed then stayed the night.

I love my cousin crazy self! Life just wouldn't be the same without him! I really hope this baby his because he's growing so attached to the thought of being a father. He wants to buy any and everything, it's so cute. I can tell that even though he said he'll be there regardless, that he'll be devastated if the baby isn't his. Everytime he holds the baby, he'll be reminded that she technically belongs to somebody else. But I know Ja'Zyion, he's a man of his word, he'll stay there with her, through any and everything.

Tomorrow I am going out with my girls and I am so excited! I have to find a bad ass outfit for my graduation Wednesday!

Slick called me and said that I have a special request to work a party going on Friday and Saturday night. I was going to say no but before I could he told he that it's paying $20,000 up front plus anything else I make, and I don't owe Slick nothing I make that night. Shit, I ain't struggling for no money, but money does talk. I'm going to put all the money I make those nights towards the new house I want to move to, and finding the perfect building for my salon. I looked around a bit, but I haven't been able to find anything that I really like though, I just want a building that's perfect. I already know three girls right now that I go to school with that do hair at home and agreed to come work for me as soon as I get my shop up and running!


The next day ...

Me, Boss, Brianna, Casey, Karmen who is Boss' cousin who is a bartender at Exotics went to the mall. We shopped around and after 3 hours I found the perfect dress for graduation Wednesday. I already have shoes, I ordered them online a few weeks ago, them hoes bad as fuck! I can't wait to step into them!

I found a second dress to wear for later that night at my graduation party that I was having. I even got Amarion a little outfit that matches what I'll be wearing to my graduation party. I have a photographer coming through to take pictures so I can make a little scrapbook of my day! I'm so excited to graduate! Officially I will have a degree in business management, and a cosmetology license! I can't wait to find me a good space and find some of the best stylist in the city to work for me. While Karmen, Casey, and Brianna got their nails done me & Boss headed to the food court. While walking to the food court, I saw Jermaine out the corner of my eye with a girl and holding a baby.

For some reason I got jealous as hell seeing him with another woman. I shouldn't be but I am. I mean he not my man, I don't know if he's in a relationship or if that girl is family, but she's just too close to him for my liking.

I need to chill, why the fuck am I even worried about his whack ass. Okay, he not whack, he fine as hell, but I ain't finna sweat him, it's whatever. He obviously ain't into me or he would've made an effort to talk to me right? I mean I know he don't know my number, but I know for sure he knows that was me that night at the club. He knows where I work, it's not that hard to come through and ask for my number. He clearly not interested in me. Right? Ughhh I don't even know. Before I could even wreck my brain any further I heard my phone ringing.

It was an unknown number and I started not to answer thinking it could possibly be Kennard bitch ass so I didn't answer.

After the call ended they called right back, for some reason I felt like something was up so I answered this time. "Hello" I said shaking my head no at Karleynah as she offered me some of her french fries. "Yes, good afternoon, is this Azure Johnson?" the female said. "Yes, this is she, how may I help you" I asked getting nervous as to who this could possibly be. "My name is Nurse Rebecca Robertson, I am calling on behalf of your son Amarion, and your cousin Ja'Zyion. They were involved in a accident this afternoon a head on collision they're -" that's all I heard before I lost it and quit listening.

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