CH 22

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After doing a few drills with CJ I checked the time and realized I needed to hurry up and head back home.

Once I made it home I took a quick five minute shower and looked for something to put on. I really don't feel like being dressed so I threw on a white lime green and coral NIKE t-shirt, some white basketball shorts, my coral elite NIKE socks, with my lime green NIKE slides. I picked up my phone and texted Casey that I was on my way to her apartment. I haven't seen her since that night I called her over to talk about the baby but I told her I would take her to her doctor's appointment today just to be nice. Not to mention I wanted to see of she was really pregnant or not. I know that she wanted me back, so this could all be a trick, so every appointment I would be there unless I had a legitimate reason why I couldn't be. Besides if this child ends up mines, then how can I live with myself knowing I treated Casey wrong and wasn't there every step of the way?

"Good afternoon" I said looking over at Casey, she looked nice today with her little white sundress on.

"Afternoon" she said dryly. "Yo, kill the fucking attitude and dramatics Casey. I had a nice day and it will continue. If anybody in this car gone have a nasty ass attitude, it will be me. You cheated on me, in my fucking house, now you're pregnant but don't know if it's mines. I'm being a man right now and stepping up knowing damn well that there's a 50/50 chances that this child isn't mines, but you know what, I don't care, cause I'm a man. I'm going to be here, whether you like it or not, so get over your bullshit" I said pulling out of her apartment complex.

"Why can't we just -" she said pausing and I looked over and saw her crying. I took a deep breath, I don't know how I'm going to deal with theses emotional mood swings. "What's wrong?" I asked her genuinely concerned. "Ja'Zyion, I love you, I swear I do. I just felt like I didn't matter to you. That one time with him meant nothing to me. I fucked up a great thing, I know that. I told him about the baby and he told me abort it then he changed his number on me. But you, you said you'd be there. I wish I could take that night back. I wish I was 100% certain this child growing inside of me belonged to you. I want to be with you, I miss you, but you deserve better than me. I can't give you the love and support that you need. I know you hate me, but don't take it out on my child" she said wiping her tears away. "Ma, it ain't even like that, period. I wish I never came home to hear you moaning either, but you can't change it, you cannot take that moment in time back. It's in the past and that's where I'm going to leave it. I'm not in love with you, but I most definitely have love for you. I don't hate you at all, I hate your actions. When this children is born, if it's mines or not I plan on being there for you. I know you don't have anybody and I will be that person in your corner, I promise, okay? Now stop crying, you too pretty for all that" I said happy that I could make her smile.

"You mean that" she asked looking over at me. "Yes, every word, I got ya back, no matter what" I said looking over at her.

In the beginning I said I would stick around until I found out if the baby was mines, but I just can't do that to her. Casey was put up for adoption at birth, the birth parents didn't want any contact with her. Her adopted parents died when she was ten, she went back to the system and didn't leave until she was eighteen. She only has one good friend but she is living out of town with her boyfriend. She don't have anybody here but me, so I can't just leave her high and dry like that. Even if I find out that I'm not the biological father, I plan on stepping up and helping her, every child deserves a father and mother, so just like I am with Amarion, I will step up and be a father figure. Call me soft all you want, but I just cannot leave her to do it alone. It ain't easy raising a child with next to no help, or no help at all.

We found out that the baby was doing good, and Casey needed to work on keeping her stress levels down, hopefully me telling her what I did in the car will put her mind at ease.

After finding out how far along she was and getting her prescriptions. I decided to take her out to eat before I dropped her off at home. While eating we laughed and talked just like old times when we were friends. There was no sexual tension or physical attraction or anything, we were just two friends enjoying one another's company. It was nice to go out to eat with her without the yelling, arguing, and her trying to get me back. Sometimes I wish she never cheated, maybe we could've worked out. But then again, maybe it was God's plan for us to be apart, maybe we're just better off as friends.


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