CH 18

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Brandy’s POV

I was sitting watching tv when my phone rang and I knew the number to well, the police station. I blew my breath and answered, it was Rico Jr stupid ass being arrested for public intoxication, attempted rape, and destruction of private property. I swear he takes after his damn father, between the two of them they gone put me in a grave before it’s my time to go. “Ma, can you come get me” he pleaded with me when they told him his time was up. I got up and headed to my stash and went to go get him out. When I picked him up he tried to act as if he couldn’t hear me talking to his ass. Ricardo Terrence Antonio Jr so you don’t hear me fucking talking to you?” I asked angrily. “What momma, got damn” he yelled as I slapped him. I slapped him. “Don’t you ever, and I mean ever raise our voice to me or curse at me. I could’ve and should’ve let your ass sit down there and rot like your damn father. Now I am going to ask this once, and only one more time. What the hell did you do?” I asked him. “She hurt my dad so I hurt that bitch too” he said with much anger behind his words. What the hell was he talking about? “

Who Jr, what happened?” I asked hium worried. “Azure” was all he said before he walked off. I cannot believe this bullshit, first Rico had her mother killed, and my son is trying to hurt her. I need to find that poor girl and warn her. I honestly believe this cancer I have is a direct curse from God for knowing about the hit on Zaynah’s head and saying nothing, I just sat and watched, in fact I led her to him in a since. I was just angry she took my man. a little after everything started to go downhill. I’ve been horribly sick since that day. No progression, it only gets worse, this is nothing short of a slow death.

Rico’s POV

Through my inside connect I had Azure followed, I know she’s working at Exotics and from what I heard she grew up pretty fine! I can’t wait to hear Jr tell me how good she felt. Just a little while longer and my plan will all fall into place. I told that stupid ass bitch I would kill her and I meant that shit, I just had to wait till her life was good and make her suffer thinking about having to leave all of it behind! As soon as I get a chance to go out in the yard for an hour I need to get in contact with my inside connect and start the process to get Azure, she has no clue what’s about to happen!

A/N: so I just want to say that rape is NOT funny nor meant to be taken lightly. I had a reader laugh about rape, something is seriously wrong with your ignorant childish ass. Ugh, anyway …  I’ve been molested, it honestly takes over and controls your life, you sometimes randomly think about it, you wonder if people will hurt you, even people you know and love. When I write about it, it’s only because it’s something I had to experience more than once. I want everybody to go visit a teen center, talk to some young victims, help them cope and move past the traumatic experience, donate your time and/or money, for me as a Christmas gift. Thank you! – Beautiful_Storm

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