CH 15

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When we pulled up to the club I pulled out my badge and got buzzed into the back parking lot. This parking lot is for the dancers only. Nobody other than dancers, Slick, and security is allowed back here at all. Slick makes sure his girls make it to their cars safe without drunk men following us trying to get more than just a dance, because these lame ass niggas in here will test you. We walked in speaking to the guards on duty for the night; we head to our dressing rooms to get ready.

Only the top ten girls have their own private dressing room and the other girls share two large rooms with mirrors and lockers everywhere. I unlocked my door, turned on my light, and went to my vanity to start on my hair and makeup for the night. I heard some girls yelling and just rolled my eyes. Some of these girls are ignorant. Just come in here and get your money all that cackling and fighting shit is just unnecessary if you ask me. “Azure” I hears somebody say while knowing on my door. I stand up and walk over to my door to fins Cynthia at the door. “What’s up?” I ask her, she a sweet girl, been here for about four months now, I been training her and showing her tricks that are guaranteed to pull in the big faces. “I fucked up my nail; can you fix it real quick?” She asked me as I let her in my room.

“Sure, I got a few minutes to spare.” I said as I walked over to the nail station I had in my room. I fixed her nail and painted it over again when my intercom system in my room went off with Slick’s assistant letting me know I was on stage in fifteen minutes. I finished up with Cynthia and got dressed. As I headed to the stage a few girls complimented me on my outfit, shoes, and hair. For the most part, a good 90% of us get along with one another. But we got a few ratchet ass hoes who think they shit don’t stank so they stay arguing, only reason Slick aint fired them yet is because they don’t get physical. “alright alright alright! Y’all it’s time for my favorite dancer in Exotics, the sexy, the talented, the oh sooooo flexible Seduction! Y’all show my future baby momma some love, put those ones away, this queen deserves big faces!” The dj, Sherman, yelled I the mic starting my music. Sherman always flirted with everybody but always said me and Boss were his favorites. I walk slowly across the stage and without even doing anything, money starts being thrown, these men love me! As soon as the bass drop on Blake Kelly’s “Face Down” I start twerking, left cheek, right cheek and then both. I take my right leg and slowly lift it and place it on the poll while I stand up straight and pop my ass on it and flip into a handstand while dancing and slide down and swing around the poll and let go and continue with just my legs. I climb all the way to the top of the poll and start doing tricks, swinging around with no hands and then drop down into a split bouncing up and down on the stage, all I see is 100’s flying everywhere and men going wild. I crawl to the edge of the stage and slowly spread my legs while rapping the lyrics to the last few seconds of the song I take my hand and rub down to my pussy and pat it and start laughing as the song ends.

One thing about me, I never have to touch myself or take off my clothes to make money, I get paper with my shit still on. “Got damn, I know some of y’all niggas in the gotta go to the bathroom and whip that pre-cum off ya shit, I know I do! Whew that was one hell of a show, y’all give it up one more time for Seduction!” Sherman said threw the mic as I cracked up, that dude a damn fool. I did the damn thing tonight, I can’t even see the stage all I see is dollar signs everywhere. I even see stacks with the rubber band still on it! This guys just don’t care about blowing money on ass they will never get!

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