Chapter 42 - "Birthday eve..."

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Manik's Office: His Cabin: 8:30 pm:

Manik's fingertips were running on the laptop keyboard like a machine. The reason was nothing. He and Nandini will be going outside to spend the whole night like free birds and will celebrate his upcoming birthday in a hotel room. Only the thought was giving goosebumps to him. Nandini was on leave for two days and Manik also took a leave for tomorrow. As a result, he had to do extra work to cover up the day leave. Manik glanced at his wristwatch and furrowed his forehead. He was too late. That troublemaker Soha gave some extra work at the last moment. Otherwise, he would have been on the way to his home until now. His fingers picked up more speed. Suddenly a soft knock was heard on his cabin door.

Manik: (Unmindfully) "Come in..."

Manik didn't look up. He couldn't afford any distraction right now. After a few seconds, he felt an obscure presence in front of his desk.

Manik: (Without lifting his head) "Yes..."

The person: (In a sarcastic tone) "Mr Malhotra, what's the matter? Don't you have anyone at your home who waits for you? It's not right to keep someone waiting for you for so long."

The voice hardened Manik's jawline. He gazed up to meet Soha's sneer.

Manik: (In a razor-sharp tone) "All thanks to you, Ms Sanyal. I am going through your last moment orders. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to be worried about me."

He gestured to Soha to take the seat. With an 'I hardly care' attitude, Soha occupied the chair.

Soha: (Scornfully) "It's called corporate life, Mr Manik. We always can't get our comfort zone to perform. By the way, I heard you have taken a leave tomorrow. May I know the reason?"

Manik tapped the enter button for the last time and shut the laptop. His work was done, finally. He started arranging his laptop bag to leave.

Manik: (Sternly) "Ms Sanyal, I am in this corporate world for the last 5 years. So I am not unaware of its comfort and discomfort. But at the same time, I am also aware of the fact which discomfort is intentionally imposed."

He smiled at Soha which made her burn with jealousy. This man is way too smart. He whiffed that she intentionally put this extra burden of work on his shoulder just because she wanted to make him delay for going to his home. Because someone is waiting for him. The someone for whom he rejected her. Soha ground her teeth.

Manik: "And you heard it right. I have taken an off tomorrow. The reason is very personal and I don't want to share. So, excuse me."

He got up to leave having his laptop bag slung from his shoulder. Soha grimaced at his back. Suddenly Manik turned as he forgot to say something.

Manik: (Proudly) "And I would like to tell you that yes, someone is waiting for me at my home and I am very happy about that. Bye.."

He exited the room.

Soha: (Mumbled) "That I know, Manik. Someone very special is waiting for you at home. And that person is so special that you have to hide him or her from the entire world. But how long? The truth will come out very soon. But before that, I have to know why you took this off?"

She pulled out her mobile from her pocket.

Soha: "Hello...he just left. You keep an eye on his apartment and try to know whether he and that Gattu Singh go out somewhere or not. I want every detail about them for the entire night and tomorrow. Follow them everywhere. I am sure you will get something interesting during those hours."

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