Chapter 28 - "From the frying pan into the fire..."

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Manan Bedroom: 6:30 am:

Nandini's eyelashes fluttered in the peek of the sun rays coming from the narrow gaps of the curtains. She stirred a bit just to listen to the soft moratorium,

Manik: (In a somnolent voice) "Ummmm...Don't move."

He shackled her waist more tightly and pulled closer followed by placing his leg on her thighs. Nandini pursed her lips with a frown.

Nandini: (In a shallow voice) "Manik...let me go. Every day I become late for school. If it persists then I surely will lose my job."

In reply, Manik nestled more to her and said,

Manik: "Then lose least I will have my morning sleep without your gibberish."

Nandini turned her face at her sleepy sloth husband. Her eyes were rolled and her mouth was wide open. She smacked his arm.

Nandini: "I gibber?...And what about you? You keep me awake so late in the night that I can't even open my eyes in the morning. I used to be an early bird. Now, you turned me into a night owl like you. Now move...let me get up."

She tried to dislodge his heavy leg from her thigh area but abruptly flinched.

Nandini: "Ouchhh...."

Manik opened his eyes in worry and immediately moved his leg from her body.

Manik: (Apprehensively) "What happened...are you hurt?"

Getting a chance Nandini rolled over the bed in order to distance herself from Manik's reach.

Nandini: (In a pretentious vexed tone) "Yes I am hurt and thanks to you."

Nandini's words and tone finally made Manik open his eyes completely. He lifted his body a bit and rested his head on his palm while reclining in his side. His forehead bore some lines.

Nandini: (Bit her lower lip) "Thanks to your last night punishment. I didn't know you are such a kinky man."

Her eyes were shining with a mischievous grin which gradually passed on to Manik after a brief muddle.

Manik: "You don't know many things about me. Last night punishment was a brief trailer of that. Thought to show you the full movie. Come...."

He winked and forwarded his hand to grab her but Nandini swiftly shifted and got down from the bed.

Nandini: (Showed her tongue) "Better luck next time Mr kinky Malhotra. I have more impotent things to do rather than being the actress of your not so vanilla movie."

Giving a heart-melting smile she disappeared inside the washroom. Manik folded his lower lips and bit while again lay down supine by resting his head on his entwined palms.

Manik: (Mumbled) "Let's see how long you are able to remain the conventional actress of my kinky movie Mrs vanilla Malhotra."


Mumbai: On the road: 8:45 am:

"It would be better to catch up with Manik in this early morning. Otherwise, we both will be late for our office. But it's important. I have to talk to Manik about Aliya and Dhruv. I don't know whether Dhruv discussed with his brother or not but I have to be assured for my sister if he is really serious about her and Manik is the best person to tell that." A train of thoughts clouded Cabir's mind when was riding his bike on the way to Manik's flat. When Aliya spilt the been about Dhruv and her relationship he was quite surprised because he knows his little sister and he even saw Dhruv. It is like a chalk and cheese combination. How can a sassy girl like Aliya fall for a taciturn boy like Dhruv? Cabir chuckled. Love is really weird. Otherwise, he won't be in love with that Madhubala...despite those verbal combats. Aryamaan eventually selected a restaurant for the date with Navya. Now it was a matter of some hours when he will get the chance to meet her and tell her about his emotion. Cabir budged on the bike seat and changed the gyre. He was feeling nervous.

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