Chapter 2- Love can take all the worries away.........

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Delhi: A posh restaurant: 9: 30 pm:

Manik, Nandini and Navya were sitting at a table and waiting for the ordered food. It had been a couple of months when these three were spending time with each other. Although Nandini and Navya very often used to meet for either shopping, catching a chick flick or laid-back gossiping, Manik used to get a rare chance to interfere in these relaxing times. All were happy, especially Manik because after a hectic office day and a couple of unfruitful coordination with brokers he needed this break very badly. He was surfing the net for other options for a rental house. Nandini was observing him and then smiled at Navya.

Nandini: (purposely) "Thank you Navya for this lovely dinner and outing plan. Otherwise, I will be really bored tonight."

She noticed her husband from the corner of her eyes. Navya observed it and smiled.

Manik: "Even I also want to thank you Navya for saving me."

Manik grinned and rested the mobile on the table and entwined his fingers to place his chin on this.

Navya: "Saving you? But how did I save you? Rather I should be asking that when were you in danger that somebody was needed to save you?"

Navya looked confused. Nandini too stared at him with rolling eyes.

Manik: "Of course you saved me, you saved me from today's some experimental dish which Nandini often makes in her kitchen and I become the guinea pig. And you would be surprised to know that they are mostly the unison of North and South Indian dishes or should I say it is neither North Indian nor South Indian. Otherwise who uses sambar masala in Butter chicken or curry patta in Mutton Biryani?"

Manik complained in one go. Nandini was gaping at Manik while Navya busted out.

Nandini: "What, you are a guinea pig? I experiment my dishes on you?"

Nandini started stammering in anger, simultaneously was searching for anything which she can use to hit him. Finally, she grabbed the fork however Manik was lucky that the waiter came with the food and the upcoming fight got postponed for a while.


Delhi: The same posh restaurant: 10: 45 pm:

Nandini's grumpy face was specifying that even delicious food could not change her hostile mood.

Navya: " Manik Sir is in great trouble tonight." (murmured in her mind)

Manik paid the bill and all of them came outside to get in the car.

Navya: "Sir I can go by Ola. Otherwise, it will be an out of the way ride for you."

Nandini: "Are you nuts Navya? It's almost 11 pm. And it is Delhi. Not at all safe for women. Get in the car, we will drop you."

Nandini's voice has some authority that Navya did not dare to say any different. All three sat in the car while Nandini was in the passenger seat and Navya was in the back. Some initial moments were totally quiet while Navya took the initiative to break this awkward silence.

Navya: "Sir, did you get any positive response about the renting house thing?"

Manik: "No. Not Yet. Let's see what happens."

Manik gripped the steering more tightly. The lines on his forehead were indicating his exasperation.

Navya: "Sir, if you say I can talk to my cousin. She has some good sources. She must be helpful for this matter."

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