Chapter 34 - "Delight with a pinch of salt..."

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Mumbai: A posh restaurant: 9:30 pm:

Manik and Nandini got of the cab. Manik was in his ripped jeans and white tee-shirt teamed up with a light denim jacket. Nandini as usual in oversized pant and shirt with a prominent turban and a cute moustache. She minutely observed the restaurant exterior, its entrance and of course the sophisticated customers. Her eyes automatically fell on her attire and she unmindfully pouted in despair.

Manik: (Enthusiastically) "Come...Luckily I booked the table in advance. Just see the rush. One of my colleagues told me about this place. He extremely praised its cuisine."

Manik approached the entrance and Nandini followed him with baby steps. The guard saluted Manik with a soft good evening greeting. However, he only looked at Nandini and nodded. Nandini could clearly see the astonishment in his eyes. In her mind, she grimaced at him. The interior was quite full yet quiet. All were talking in a low voice and enjoying their food. The waiter escorted them to a table placed almost in the middle of the dining. Some people glanced at them and were again involved in their world of cuisine.

Nandini: (With a pout) "The guard only greeted you. He was looking at me very weirdly."

For a moment Manik furrowed his brows but immediately it was replaced by a teasing smile.

Manik: (Grinned) "Didn't you see?... He is also a Sardar. A proper well built Sardar. Probably he is shocked to see you and thought that you are a disgrace to their clan. I mean just look at him and look at you. You are looking like a kitten in front of a tiger."

Manik said and turned his face to hide his laughter. At the next moment, a boot hit his leg and he leapt up with a jerk. Some people automatically turned at them with a weird look. Even a waiter hastily neared them to ask if anything is bothering them. Manik somehow managed the matter and again occupied his seat.

Manik: (Mumbled) "Are you crazy? Who kicked her husband like this?"

Nandini: (With a poker face) "Who is the husband? Here I am a Sardarji. So I was only showing you my strength. Perhaps now I have glorified the Sardar clan, Mr, tease Malhotra?"

Manik stared at his wife for a minute. Gradually a big smile appeared on his lips.

Manik: "Okay, my mistake. The score is settled. Can we concentrate on our dinner now? Tell me, what to order? And please don't stick to your obvious South Indian dishes tonight. Let's try something new. Experimental dishes like Mexican. What do you say? Quick, decide and after that, I have a lot to tell you."

Nandini: (Rolled her eyes) "Take it as your reward. Okay, agreed with your Mexican food but at least take some advice from the waiter or the chef. I don't want to struggle with your experimental food because I am really famished."

Manik: (Smiled) "Done, lemme order first and after that, we will call Navya. I know how much you are dying to know about her blind date."

Nandini shrugged with a pout. Manik beckoned the waiter and after 10 to 15 minutes of conversation on the cuisine type and its taste and ingredients, he finally settled on Chicken Quesadillas, Chilli con carne, beans Tacos and Mexican Yogurt dip. Along with this, they ordered some steamed rice too. After doing the most difficult yet favourite task on a dinner date, Manik rubbed his hands in excitement.

Manik: "Now, time for calling Navya. Who will call her? You or me?"

Nandini: (Shrugged) "You call. You are her boss. She might not pick my call up. She just needs some excuse to be angry with me."

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