Chapter 25 - "When life takes a new turn..."

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Author'sNote: Hello my readers.🙋‍♀️ Before starting the chapter I want to say something so plz don't look through it. A big thank you to all my followers and who appreciated my work with heartfelt comments and votes. However, today I am here to request something for the readers who enjoy my book GolMal and the others. Guys I never demand, request or put any target of voting to you all. But nowadays it's demotivating my urge and eagerness to write more willingly. People are voting on my stories and praising my works through their precious comments but they are not willing to follow me. It's heartbreaking to see that for the last 5 days my followers' list is stagnant. My question is if you like my work then what is the harm to follow me? It won't cost you all anything but will boost up my confidence and low esteem a thousand times. I don't know if I am sounding like a weak person but right now I have no energy to write the next chapter of this book. I am really feeling low. And you all can only bring me out of this frustration. Hope you all understand my feelings. A big thank you to @Niveditaaa_ who always encourages me to go ahead. Thanks, mahaenterprises , _sagigirl_ Charmedone22 who always support me as sisters. My readers Nandinibera , avanthikaraj,dikshanaik572 , SheetalGaonkar and many more (It's impossible to mention sorry). Thanks for taking the initiative to tell me why you like my stories. I love you guys. ♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏

Deshmukh Niwas: Cabir's room: 8:10 am:

Cabir: (In a hapless voice) "She loves someone else Aloo. I am late as usual..."

He folded his lips and wobbled his head in regret. Aliya heard his all words with patience because she knew that this time Cabir needs to vent out all his stress and discontent rather than be loaded with advice. When Cabir eventually became mum she softly rested her palm on his shoulder. Cabir looked at his sister whom he always protected as a friend, guardian and of course as a big brother. Both never hide anything from each other. They had a very good understanding and transparency in their brother-sister relationship.

Aliya: (Softly) "Tell me everything in detail. Sometimes things are not that what they appear. And remember one thing, true love stories never have an ending if there is not a happy ending then it is not ended yet. I know my brother...he started loving someone for the first time so selflessly and God will not be so selfish to keep your love incomplete like this."

Aliya's eyes became a bit blurred. An affectionate smile appeared on Cabir's lips. He cupped her face with endearment.

Cabir: (Affectionately) "I didn't know my fashion fiesta, hot-headed, snooty sister can talk so maturely. Are these your words or you started dating some intelligent guy because I can't expect so much enlightenment from this pea-sized brain."

He tapped her forehead with a giggle. Aliya gaped and rolled her eyes at him.

Aliya: (Whined) "Bhai.....don't tease me...please tell me the matter in detail...maybe I can be a help for you."

Cabir nodded with a smile and narrated the whole matter in detail which Aryamaan told him. After 10-15 minutes both were sitting on Cabir's bed with some questions, answers and solutions.

Aliya: (In a vexed tone) "Bhai, I am surprised that you believed only one's words. You only told Arya Bhai that a boy and girl can be friends and here both of you are only assuming all the things. I am sorry Bhai but this is utter stupidity."

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