Chapter 53 - "Sweet punishment..."

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Deshmukh Niwas: Living Room: Sunday: 11 am:

Manan and Dhruv were invited for lunch in Deshmukh Niwas. This was for the first time, Nandini was meeting every family member as Manik's wife...Nandini and not as Gattu. Cabir invited Aryamaan too as he wanted him to sort out every misunderstanding with Manik. Though at first, Aryamaan was a bit dubious to confront Nandini after all this disarray and fiasco he agreed to meet them. He too wanted to apologise to Nandini for his undue behaviour. It was awkward for him but it was imperative. There was a few time in lunch, so, all were sitting in the living room; chit-chatting and trying to know each other more closely. Sulbha was sitting beside Nandini and observing her for quite a long time.

Sulbha: (In an admiring tone) "Manik Beta (Son), your wife is so beautiful, so pretty; what made you think to disguise her as a Sardarji? Poor she....half of the year she had to spend like a clown. I must say, Nandini you should punish your husband for this. He changed this Gudia (Doll) to Gattu."

She touched Nandini's chin and kissed her own fingertips as a gesture of affection. All laughed at Sulbha's innocent complaint.

Cabir: (Grinned) "I told you, Nani, why Nandini had to change herself to Gattu. Now, don't start all these questions once again. It was a misunderstanding which has been solved. No more discussion on it."

Manik: (In an eager tone) "But I have some questions, Cabir. That day everything happened so fast. First the office drama, then I came home and Uncle and Aunty told me about Nandu...I mean Nandini's pregnancy. After that, doctor, tests, my promotion announcement, confirmation of the date of Singapore shifting, arranging air tickets to Delhi in a short time span because Mom and Dad want to meet Nandu before we was total chaos. In between, I never got the chance to ask how did you all come to know about this? I really want to know."

Cabir looked at Aliya and chuckled.

Cabir: "Well, Aliya will be the best person to tell you all these because even I wasn't there at that time. Aliya only called me and told me everything. Aloo, over to you, Sis."

Aliya bit her lips and took a deep sigh. She turned at Nandini and shrugged in an apologetic manner.

Aliya: "Yes, that time I was there and whatever happened to Nandini that happened because of me. Neither I had said all those shit to her nor she would have fainted. I am extremely sorry for that, Nandini. I hurt you. I am really feeling guilty for my kiddish act that day."

She bent down her head in remorse. Nandini immediately got up and neared her. She sat beside Aliya and shackled her shoulder to comfort her.

Nandini: (In a doting tone) "Don't be silly, Aliya. I know what was the situation and why you reacted in that way? In fact, I would have reacted the same way if I had been in your position. So, stop blaming yourself. Now, tell us the story because Dhruv didn't tell us anything (She frowned at her bro-in-law amicably) and I was unfortunately passed out."

She giggled. Aliya grinned at her and continued,

Aliya: (In a teasing tone) "There is not much to tell because when you fainted your turban fell and your long hair came out. At first, Mom and I thought that a Sardar has long hair. There is nothing surprising about it but Dhruv did the mistake. (She eyed Dhruv and he chuckled). He was so much perturbed that he kept on calling you, Nandu...Nandu...Bhabi. After that, when I sprinkled water on your face and tried to wipe it, your fake moustache came out and stuck to my palm. (She giggled and everyone guffawed). Mom started asking questions like a criminal lawyer and obviously, Dhruv failed to dodge her. After that, I called Bhai and told him everything. He and Dad came with a doctor and she announced the good news."

GolMal (Complete✅)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora