Chapter 32 - "If she smiles, she is trapped..."

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Mumbai: In a Mall: Food court: 7:00 pm:

Navya was sitting at a corner table. Restless and awkward. She was continuously glancing at her wristwatch and sometimes mumbling some cursing words to her best friend.

Navya: (Mumbling) " are a blackmailer...a cute blackmailer...but still, a blackmailer and I am an idiot who is sitting over here for an idiotic blind date."

Cabir stepped out of the escalator and approached the food court area with a sheepish heart. The entire way he kept on praying and trying to boost up his sinking confidence. Literally, he perhaps was not so nervous during his board exams and even in his first interview. He again swallowed his saliva to moist his dry throat. Fortunately, Aliya had come with him as eventually, she couldn't keep faith in her brother's sarcastic tongue and Navya's mercurial temper which automatically rises by seeing her brother. So it is better to present some sane person to protect the people of the Mall from their predictable verbal combat. However, Aliya said to him to meet Navya alone because nobody comes on his first date accompanied by his sister. She assured him that she will observe them from a distance and she will be there if needed. After having this assurance he finally got ready to step on the battlefield. Cabir looked around for Navya and easily located her on a table. Her face was partially visible yet he could apprehend her mannerism. With a deep breath, he approached the table.

Navya: (Ignorant about her surrounding) "Even he is an idiot for sure or he has some same kind of weird friend who has insisted him to come in this Blind Death...ummm...Blind date...whatever...but I will wait for only 5 minutes more. Enough of this drama."

She once more glanced at her watch and kept on shaking her legs in impatience. Just then someone cleared his throat from behind.

Cabir: (Mumbled) "Ahem...How will the drama go if there will be no drama queen?"

Navya was startled and turned her face. The person she faced was the biggest shock of the day for her. Though she couldn't hear his entire line the word drama queen caught her not so poor hearing ability. She sprung up from the seat and scrunched her eyes and forehead.

Navya: (In a hostile tone) "What are you doing here? Are you stalking me? And what did you just say?.... Drama queen?"

Cabir cursed his tongue. "Shit she heard...mend this Cabir...mend the damage." His mind scolded him. With an embarrassing smile, he raised his hands in conviction.

Cabir: "Drama queen? I said Lama Beans. It's a Mediterranean restaurant in the US. I just love its food. You should also try."

Cabir didn't even know what the shit he was talking but right then it was the only way out. Navya made her face in sarcasm.

Navya: (Sarcastically) "Then you probably came into a wrong place or you must be basking in your glorious memories. This is Mumbai...India and it a normal food court of a Mall. I am afraid you might not be able to have your exotic Mediterranean food here."

Cabir smelt the taunt but now he couldn't afford any counter-attack. He sat on the opposite chair and got honoured with Navya's surprised and annoyed glare.

Navya: (Still standing) "Hey, you can't sit over here. Someone is to come."

Cabir: (With a nonchalant smile) "For a blind date? With you? Interesting."

Navya pulled the chair and sat on it with a thud.

Navya: (Chided) "Hey you, mind your business."

Cabir: (With same compose) "I am minding mine only...and what is a need for being so secretive? It's a blind date, not a secret date. The man must be handsome..."

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