Chapter 37 -"The quidnuncs..."

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Manan Flat: Bedroom: 10:20 pm:

Nandini removed the turban and plucked out the sticky moustache and pasted it on the mirror with full force. It was evident how much she was irritated until now.

Nandini: "'s so hot."

She started unbuttoning her shirt. Meanwhile, Manik entered the room holding a glass of lemon water. Since Nandini had come he whiffed that something is not normal with her. Her staggering gait and drowsy eyes were clearly revealing her tipsy condition. Without any query, he went to make the lemon water. It will help her to come out from this uncomfortable feeling. Seeing Nandini taking off her shirt without going inside the bathroom Manik's eyes popped out. He immediately placed the glass on the dressing table and rushed to her.

Manik: (Hurriedly) "Wait..wait..wait..stop..stop. Go inside and change."

Nandini looked at him from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes were tiddly.

Nandini: (With a pout) "Why? Why go inside? I will change...right here right now."

She again tried to unbutton the shirt. Manik placed his palm on hers.

Manik: (With an amused tone) "Okay, you can change wherever you want but before that take this lemon water. It will help you to decrease this wasted condition."

Manik tried to reach the glass but Nandini fisted his shirt and pulled him to her.

Nandini: (In a husky voice) "Why, Mr Malhotra? Am I looking drunk? Then listen to me. I only sipped twice and I am...I am not drunk. You understood?"

She swayed her head with dropping eyes. Manik raised his hands in defeat.

Manik: "Okay, okay you are not drunk. But at least have it as a refreshing drink. I made it with so much love."

He pouted to convince her. Which can't be done by force can be accomplished by pampering. Nandini giggled and knotted her finger in his shirt to yank him closer.

Nandini: (In a squiffy voice) "Manik Malhotra, who doesn't even...know how to cut a lemon...made lemon water for me? Wow...a big round of applause."

Nandini freed Manik's shirt and clapped in a funny way. More the time was passing more the intoxication of the Champaign was affecting her nerves. She staggered to the cupboard and took out her nightdress.

Nandini: (With a seductive grin) "Mr Malhotra, can you help me in changing my dress. I don't know why my hands are not following my orders."

She pouted with a slightly imbalanced body. Manik sighed and shackled her with the shoulder to enter the washroom. Nandini tilted her head to see Manik's face and giggled.

Nandini: (Giggled out) "Why are you looking so hazy? Like...your nose is on your head and...and your lips...your lips are...oh my have two two lips. That means I have to...kiss you two two times? Oopss."

Nandini palmed her mouth with wide eyes. Manik unmindfully touched his lips but immediately removed his hand with a stupid expression.

Manik: (Frowned) "What? Two two...Nandini, just stand steady and let me change your dress. After that, drink the lemon water. Don't know how much they made her drink (Said in a low voice)"

With an innocent smile, Nandini neared him forwarding her chest to indicate the buttons. With an affectionate smile, Manik started unbuttoning them.

Nandini: (In a baby tone) " are you feeling?"

Manik removed her shirt. Her milky soft skin was now only clad with her inner. Manik turned his face. This was not the right time to get horny. He placed his hand on her pant buckle.

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