Chapter 57

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"It's nothing else to say other than the fact that we're done", Aaliyah said.

"Like Aaliyah and Dre done? Or done, done?", Carmen asked.

"That's not funny but we're done done. That's what he wants and so do I because I'm tired of getting cheated on", Aaliyah said.

It was a couple of days later, after Dre left the house. Aaliyah was at Killa's house because she was dropping Jada off but Carmen was there too so they sat and talked for a little bit.

"Wait he cheated? Again?", Carmen asked.

"I don't know. He had a box of condoms and we haven't used those since we got together", Aaliyah said.

"Mmm", Carmen said. "I'm sorry sis"

"No. This is my fault. I knew me and Dre wouldn't work out. I thought us being alike would make it work but it just made things bad", Aaliyah said. "Don't get me wrong. He treats me good for the most part. It's just that he's still in his ways and unfortunately I am too"

"Yea I know", Carmen said. "Well at least you're still young and beautiful"

"Carmen I'm not even divorced yet and you're bringing up dating already?", Aaliyah asked.

"Hey, I'm just saying", Carmen said. "But it's not like Dre was worried about that"

"Well.. I'm not Dre", Aaliyah said. "I don't know if I could even date any else, let alone have sex with them"

Carmen nods. "You're better than me", Carmen said. "But I haven't gotten married"

Killa came downstairs.

"Um ladies are talking", Carmen said.

"And I'm not listening", Killa replied.

Carmen rolled her eyes.

"It's okay Carmen. I'm about to go to the store anyways", Aaliyah said. "Daniel I'll be back to get Jada after I come from the store"

"No you good. I got her", Killa said.

"Nah. I want to come back and get her. It's kinda lonely at the house", Aaliyah said.

"How about I come over and Daniel keep Jada", Carmen said.

"Carmen, we were supposed to spend today together", Killa said.

"My sister needs me right now. We can do that tomorrow", Carmen said.

Killa rolls his eyes. "Okay", Killa replied.

"Okay so just let me know when you get home and I'll be over", Carmen said to Aaliyah.

"Okay", Aaliyah said. "See you later Daniel"

"Bye", Killa said.

Aaliyah left.

"You make me sick", Killa said to Carmen.

"Oh stop all that crying. Big ass baby", Carmen said.

"Ain't nobody crying", Killa said.

"Oh I can tell", Carmen said sarcastically


While Aaliyah was at the store, she tried to reach for a bag of chips so she stepped on the bottom shelf to get it. As she stepped down her phone feel out of her pocket onto the floor.

"Ugh", Aaliyah said without looking at the phone on the floor because she already knew what fell.

A guy picked it up for her. "Here you go", he said.

Aaliyah put the bag of chips in the buggy and turned around. "Thank you", she said looking at her phone what was in his hand.

The guy made a face. "I know you", he said.

Aaliyah looked up at his face and paused to study his familiar face.

"Yea.. Keyanna's friend", he said.

"Deshawn??", Aaliyah asked.

"Yea", he said with a smile.

"Oh and my name is Aaliyah", Aaliyah said.

"Aaliyah. That's right", Deshawn said.

"So, did you ever get that degree?", she asked with a smile.

"Yes. Bachelors then went to get my master's. I'm working on my Doctorate degree now", he said.

"That's good", Aaliyah said. "It's always good to see a black educated man"

Deshawn chuckles. "How about you? How you been?", he asked.

"I've been okay", Aaliyah said.

"You still with that dude?", he asked.

"To make a long story short. No.", Aaliyah said as she looked down for a moment then back up at him.

"Oh", Deshawn said as he saw her smile go away. "I'm sorry to here that"

Aaliyah shakes her head. "No it's okay...I guess it was something that was needed", Aaliyah said.

Deshawn nods. "Well, it was nice to see you", Deshawn said.

"You too but..I was wondering if you still had that therapy session open for me", Aaliyah said. "I could kind of use it"

"Of course", he said before going into his wallet and giving her his card.

Aaliyah looked at the card. "How much an hour?", she asked.

"I already told you, I got you for free", Deshawn said.

"Wouldn't your boss be a little made about that?", he asked.

"No. I don't think I'll be mad about that at all", Deshawn said.

"Oh so you own the place?", Aaliyah asked.

"Yea. I just opened it up a couple months ago", Deshawn said.

"That's good", Aaliyah said.

"Thank you. But I gotta get going", Deshawn said.

"Okay, go right ahead", Aaliyah said. "I'll just call you one of these days"

"Long as you call I'm fine with that. I'm always happy to help", he said.

Aaliyah smiled.

Deshawn smiled and began walking away.

Aaliyah put her phone in her purse along with the card and continued shopping.


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