Chapter 56

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Aaliyah went back home that morning and called Dre twice every other hour but he didn't pick up. She was about to call Carmen until she heard the door open.

She looked up and it was Dre.

"Here in the hell have you been!? You tell me you're going to leave but don't even come back until almost 24 hours later??", Aaliyah argued. "I was worried sick"

Dre put his keys down. He looked like he wasn't even bothered.

"Hello?", Aaliyah said.

"Aaliyah, let me tell you something. You told me, you were going to change. One minute you good then the next you hiding shit. I've been truthful with you, I been trying hardest to listen to what you have to say but Liyah the shot you want me to do, you don't even do"

Aaliyah was quiet.

"I'm sorry for not calling you or texting you but I just had to chill out and think", Dre said.

"Think about what?", Aaliyah asked.

Dre didn't say anything. He just walked toward the room.

Aaliyah grabbed his arm. "I'm talking to you", she said as she looked at him.

Dre didn't make eye contact with her.

Aaliyah let him go because he wasn't responding and walked away.

"Okay Dre", Aaliyah said.

Dre walked into the room and shut the door.

Aaliyah shook her head before walking into the room. 

Dre was taking off his jeans as she walked in.

"Dre, you not about sit here and leave me wondering", Aaliyah said.

"What? Excuse me? Because that's what you do to me", Dre said as he picked up his jeans.

Aaliyah saw a small box on the floor. It was a small box of condoms.

"Dre that better not be what I think it is", Aaliyah said as she closed her eyes.

"I ain't even use them", Dre said.

"Why do you have it!?", Aaliyah said.

"I'm not about to argue with you", Dre said.

Aaliyah punched him in his arm. "Nigga you better talk", she said.

"Hit me again, if you want to", he said in a serious tone of voice.

"Fuck you. I'm done, I'm done!", Aaliyah shouted.

Dre just watched her.

"You got me fucked up", Aaliyah said.

Dre seemed unbothered.

"I'm divorcing your ass and that's that", Aaliyah said. "And I'm dead ass this time"

"Alright", Dre said.

"Alright? So this is what you want anyway huh?", Aaliyah asked.

Dre shrugged his shoulders.

"Well...then I guess we're on the same page", Aaliyah said.

"I just came to shower, change my clothes, and get some of my shit", Dre said.

"So you were planning on leaving?", Aaliyah asked.

"I'll pay for the apartment up until the lease is up. That'll give you enough time to find somewhere to go", Dre said.

Aaliyah looks to the side.

Dre went into the bathroom.

Aaliyah walked out the room and slammed the door.

Dre ran the shower water as he waited for the water to get hot, he leaned over the counter covering his face. He didn't want to divorce Aaliyah but he felt like it was needed. He only brought the condoms to make seem like something happened while he was gone. He didn't plan to use them with anybody, he just didn't wanna make it hard to leave her.

After showering and getting dressed Dre packed his some of his stuff and walked out the room.

Aaliyah was watching TV, and she didn't even look at him.

Dre stopped walking. "I'll be back for the rest of my stuff", Dre said.

"Okay. It'll be packed and ready for you", Aaliyah said with her eyes still looking at the T.V.

Dre nods as he walks to the door.

"Tell that other bitch I said she can have you", Aaliyah said. "And I don't give a damn"

"It isn't another bitch", Dre said.

Aaliyah finally looked at him. "So who house you was at last night?", Aaliyah asked.

"Olin", Dre said.

"Whatever", Aaliyah said.

"Okay. Alright. Whatever", Dre said.

"Yea whatever", Aaliyah said as her eyes looked back at the T.V. "Dumbass"

Dre shook his head and walked out.

Aaliyah got mad and threw her phone at the wall.

Dre walked to his car and got into the car. He sat there for a moment and everything in his heart was telling him to go back in the apartment and take everything back but his brain didn't let him. So he drove off and went back to Olin's house.


"Mi casa es su casa", Olin said. "Just make sure yo hoes got a friend"

Dre shook his head. "I ain't bring no bitch in your house", Dre said as he sat down.

"Man, listen forget her. She secretive. It ain't no telling what all she finding", Olin said.

"Ay I don't mean no harm Bruh cause I'm in your house in all but don't speak on her", Dre said.

Olin put his hands up.

Dre took his phone out and got on his phone.

"I was about to go out and get something to eat. You hungry?", Olin asked.

"Nah. I'm good", Dre said.

"If you say so", Olin said as he grabbed his keys. "I'll be back"

Olin left and was just looking at his Home Screen. It was a picture of Aaliyah. He sighed and turned his phone off and turned the TV on and played the game.


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