Chapter 54

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After dropping Carmen off, Aaliyah and Dre get to their apartment.

Dre opens the door and walks in as Aaliyah follows him.

"What you doing at a club anyway?", Dre asked.

"Having fun", Aaliyah said. "Is that a problem?"

"Yea", Dre said.

Aaliyah made a face and put her hand up like motioning him to stop talking. "Wait, woah. Hold up. But you get to take yo ass anywhere and everywhere?", Aaliyah asked. "And I let you?"

"It's different", Dre said.

"How is it different. I'm in the house 24/7, cleaning, taking care of Jada, cooking or just not even doing nothing", Aaliyah said.

"That's what a wife is supposed to do", Dre said.

"You're being sexist Andre", Aaliyah said.

"What? I work and make the money and you do shit around the house. That's what makes what we do equal", Dre said. "You don't need to be going out in to no club because these niggas out here ruthless and you know I'll shoot first and ask questions later"

"FYI nobody holla'ed at me, at the club", Aaliyah said. "Second if they did I can handle myself and Carmen was with me"

"That makes me feel a whole lot better", Dre said sarcastically. "Two girls that are always getting into shit"

Aaliyah chuckled a little to keep because she couldn't believe him.

"And fighting? You lucky the baby ain't develop yet", Dre said. "Besides what you doing fighting some females anyway?"

"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight", Aaliyah said.

"So we gone ignore my question?", Dre asked.

"Yes Andre because I'm done talking to you", Aaliyah said as she sat on the couch.

"Stop calling me that", Dre said.

"I'll call you what I want to. Just like I'll do whatever I want to, Dre", Aaliyah said. "I am a grown woman"

"You're a wife and mother", Dre said.

"So that means I'm supposed to not have a life why you get to?", Aaliyah questioned. "Or are you just scared because you think I'll do the shit that you've done to me?"

Dre got quiet.

"Yea, I did it before but that was to save my ass and yours. You did it for the hell of it", Aaliyah said as she got mad and stood up. "Multiple times, multiple times Andre. And I stayed just to be the fool all over again, in front of everybody"

"Don't try to turn this on me", Dre said kinda quietly because he felt guilty. "That's the past we talking about right now"

"Yea I know. we're arguing about the fact that I can't go out. About the fact that ever since we got together I can never make decisions for myself", Aaliyah said. "This is not fair"

"I just wanna keep you safe", Dre said.

"Yet, I've been nothing but safe so how is keeping me locked up in the house any different?", Aaliyah asked.

Dre looked to the side.

"And for the record, I do trust you but after so many fuck ups that trust can only be there for so long", Aaliyah said. "Especially if you don't even trust me, because you don't"

"I do. It's just that what if", Dre said. "Like you said I fucked up, if a better guy comes around, then what?"

"Dre, you're the greater guy in my eyes because we understand each other. We both been through a lot and we know life isn't a fairytale", Aaliyah said.

Dre just looked at her.

"But at the end of the day that doesn't beat loyalty or trust right?", Aaliyah asked as she sat down. "I will never cheat on you in this marriage. As long as we are married it will never be another. I just need you to do the same or else it will be another after a divorce"

"You gonna say that shit to me?", Dre asked as he started to get mad.

"I'm just saying Dre", Aaliyah said.

"It's either you over the shit with me cheating or not! It's not no back and forth", Dre argued

"I'm sorry I can't forget about it Dre. I just can't. I forgive you, but I can't forget that", Aaliyah said. "Then at that it was while I was at my worst. The only person who kept me in line was Killa"

"And that was my mistake. I just didn't how to deal with what you were going turn. Liyah, I hated seeing you like that I did, I just didn't want to do and at the time Liyah I wasn't thinking at first when I did that shit with Nae", Dre said. "Can we just please stop the conversation. I don't wanna talk about this no more"

Aaliyah got quiet.

"Just do whatever you wanna do alright? Just don't get you and somebody else fucked up in the process", Dre said before beginning to walk to the room. "Cause I don't mind doing it"

Aaliyah sighed as she got up to take a shower before she went to sleep.


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