Chapter 32: The Fuck Up

Start from the beginning

Just then, chattering and mutterings were heard as students filed out of the hall. Some looked happy, while some looked sad, I spotted a girl wiping her tears, while others just looked unaffected. I craned my neck to look for Jer, and beamed when I saw him talking animatedly to Mark. He didn't see me, and I took that moment just to stare at him, he looked so happy, and that made my heart explode with joy. Like he sensed me staring, he looked up. Our eyes met, and his face lit up with joy. He spread out his arms, and I didn't hesitate to run into them. He picked me up, and twirled me, I'll never understand where Jer gets his strength from when he did stuff like that.

"Hey baby", he said, as he dropped me. "Hi", I said, and I stared into his eyes. He kissed me, and pulled me closer. I pulled out of the kiss, and put my arms around his neck. "Someone's antsy", I teased. "I'm just glad I got that over with. You have no idea how long I've been stressed", he said. "I know, and I'm happy its over too. How do you think you did?", I asked. He thought it over. "I think I did pretty well. It wasn't as confusing and difficult as it had been, before you became my tutor", he smiled, and I kissed him. "I'm glad", I said. He stared at me with so much intensity, that I looked away shyly. "Why are you looking at me like that?", I asked. "For the umpteenth time, I'm asking myself just how lucky I am that you are mine", he said. "Aw, you are such a flirt", I said. "I'm serious", he said.

I examined his face, and I know he was saying the truth. "I'm glad you are mine too", I said. He nibbled my ear, and I giggled. "You know what I wanna do?", he asked. "What's that?", I asked. "I wanna go somewhere far away, somewhere quiet and peaceful, with you, like a weekend getaway or something. I don't need nothing, just you by my side", he said. I laughed. "Hmm, that can he arranged", I said. He looked shocked. "What?", I smiled. "Nothing. Its just I was expecting you to wave me off, or just smile, anything but you agreeing", he said. "I'm glad I still shock you sometimes. I don't want to be boring", I said. "Jolayemi, you are anything but boring", he said, and kissed me. "Mm", I moaned.

"And just like that, my good mood evaporated", Gabby said, when she joined us. Jer groaned before turning to her. "Its used to be a delight to see you cousin, but now, its the opposite", he said. "Guys", I called, when they wouldn't stop staring at each other. The others had joined us, including Gabriel. I was glad Jer didn't show me off like the other times, like grabbing my waist, or kissing me just to spite Gabriel. He actually just smiled at me, and I gave him a look a of appreciation. Seeing Jer do that because of me, made my heart soar. Still, that didn't make Gabriel happy. He wasn't mad, or jealous, he was just plain sad. "Hey guys", Leandre said, as she joined us, alongside Mike. "Hey", I said, and Jer smiled at her.

"So, who's up for fun?", she asked. We all gaped at her in surprise, even Mike. See, Leandre was a big introvert, and while I'm one myself, I wasn't opposed to fun, well, once in a while. But Leandre was a different case entirely. I was pretty sure the most exciting she'd ever done was read a book in a park, to her, a book should be read in a quiet and dark place, like that library for example, or say her room. "What? After everything, a little bit of fun won't hurt", she said. I exchanged looks with Jer, who shrugged. "Who's hungry?", Skyy asked. "Me", I said, and looked at everyone. "Sure", Jer said.

We chatted animatedly as we walked to the cafe. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gabby hung back to talk to Gabriel. I was happy he was talking to her again, it made my heart free. I took a seat, with Jer mirroring me. I smiled at him, as I plopped a fry into my mouth. Since I'd made an habit of stealing his food every time, Jer had combined both our lunches in one plate, so we could eat together, and technically I would not be stealing, since it was partially my food. I'd argued but he'd shut me up, and said that should get rid of my ridiculous excuse where I'd say their food tasted better than mine. That didn't stop me though. Since Jer was no longer a target, that didn't mean the rest of them were not targets.

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