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~Jayden pov

annie's gone again at the studio and it's 10:20 am i'm downstairs i was playing basketball with kianna but now we're swimming in the backyard. asher's birthday is tomorrow. he's turning the big 19. prince is out with lilia and jill again to get food. he always wants to go out with them i guess he likes them a lot😂. they do buy him anything he asks for and i told them not to do that because it's making him spoiled i don't him to be spoiled. annie spoils him enough like this girl will get him something everyday when she comes home from the studio wether it's food, toys, clothes it doesn't matter she's bringing him home something that he doesn't need. annie got him vv's chains this one time. i looked at her like she was crazy and she was like he could wear it whenever he wants like he doesn't need it at all he's only THREE. i don't spoil prince at all and i've been parenting him better he has rules he needs to follow and he's following them most of the time. the only times he doesn't follow them is when annie or her friends come around. he thinks that whenever annie's around he can disobey the rules and he's really hyper around her friends so he gets into a lot of trouble. annie tells him to stop shes more serious when he's being bad than i am. she sent him to the corner for an hour and he sat there crying the whole time. what he did was bad so he deserved it but i felt bad he was crying so long🥺. so i went over to him and talked to him that day and told him to stop crying and then i gave him ice cream because he was sitting there for an hour crying and ice cream would make him feel better. annie also cusses around him a lot and i tell her not to all the time and she's cussed him out before too. he can't control her anger so when she did that i literally start yelling at her for cussing him out he's only 3 bro like cmon chill out. he's almost 4 on october 5th. but enough about the prince talk me and kianna are swimming together in the backyard. oh and we're both 4 months pregnant🤪.

"how do you feel today after having cramps?" i asked her while sitting on the side of the pool. my feet are in the water.

"honestly better but i can not wait until she's born" kianna said while swimming over to the side with me. she sat down next to me.

"our belly's don't even look big that's the thing" i said while looking at mine and hers. she looked too.

"yeah that's the good part for now but eventually it'll be huge" kianna said with a smile

"i hated that part about the pregnancy. everything i ate was weird combinations, my belly was like 80 pounds, and i was having contractions a lot especially the 9th month." i said to her

"do they hurt? the contractions?" she asked

"like hell" i said

"oh no" she said

"but don't worry i'll feel that pain too and when the labor happens we can be in the same room giving birth to our daughters" i said with a smile. she chuckled and i did too.

"what are you naming your daughter?" she asked me with a smile

"diamond. only because annie wanted to name prince diamond until she found out he was a boy." i said with a smile then we giggled

"how about you? what are you naming your daughter?" i asked with a smile

"i was thinking miracle and nate is thinking Angela" kianna said with a smile

"miracle sounds so much better because it's unique ya know?" i said with a smile

"yeah that's what i told nathan but he was like angela sounds cooler" she said with a smile then rolled her eyes

"just stick with miracle it sounds better" i said with a smile

"i will trust me. aye we should invite our friends over for a pool party." she said with a smile

Falling in love 💍🤍 ~jaynnieWhere stories live. Discover now