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~Annie pov

Okay I don't know what's up with Jayden lately but she's been acting really... hood. She's always been a little hood but she's more like it. She's been running around in the streets after school with guns and she's smoking more than usual. She's even been posting pictures with her posing with guns with mikey and her sister halia. Wait is that even her sister😒? I'm walking with Jayden right now to our class it's 3rd period.

"is halia your sister?" I asked her

"duh" she said

"you can cut the attitude i just asked a question" i said with an attitude

"you're the one with the attitude" she said

"break up with me" I said with an attitude

"what is wrong with you dawg" she mumbled

"I'm dawg now? I'm not baby anymore so just break up with me dumbass" I said with an attitude. She rolled her eyes and walked away from me.

"walk away then" I said to her while she walked away

"you do too much for no reason" Jayden from across the hall. People are just stopping and looking at us. I just walked into my classroom. Sometimes i get triggered by what she says because i don't know.. she's aggravating sometimes i don't like what she says to me so i just argue back or walk away. Don't get me wrong i love her more than anything else in the world but sometimes i just can't stand it when she doesn't listen to me. I have anger issues. Bad ones. She doesn't even know it i guess i should tell her.

Lunch - 4th period

~Jayden pov

I'm at lunch with all my friends and Annie's with hers. We're not mad at each other anymore. She told me she loved me and that she was sorry🥺. She also told me she has anger issues and can't control them. Well that explained a lot. I'm on my phone right now and I see what Rowan posted. Lauren's boyfriend😂.



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Falling in love 💍🤍 ~jaynnieWhere stories live. Discover now