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~annie pov

i'm awake right now and so is jayden. it's 2:30 pm. i have to go back to hollywood and jayden is staying here but she's supposed to come see me saturday. it depends on if she can or not she has this thing to do with her friends for college. most of the morning all we did was chill and make out and then make jokes. we been laughing a lot today i don't know what's wrong with us😂. but i'm all packed and jayden's doing everything in her power to make me stay longer.

"okay baby ima go now my flight is at 3:30" i said while walking to the door

"waitttttt😩" she whined while walking over to me. she kissed me then hugged me. awww🥺. i hugged her back.

"it's just one day my love🤍" i said while holding her and smiling a little

"i knowwww but i don't want you to goooo😩" she whined

"awww babyyy😩" i whined then kissed her lips. we broke the hug.

"ima see you either tomorrow or sunday" i said to her sweetly

"can we have a fun day together when we see each other again?" she asked nicely

"of course we can do whatever you want" i said with a smile

"i want you to choose what we should do too baby" she said with a little smile

"we can plan it tonight on facetime but right now i gotta go. should i take prince? do you still want me to?" i asked her. he's in her bed on the ipad.

"i wanna go mommy" prince said standing up in bed. i chuckled and jayden did too.

"okay cmon princey we gotta go slap them shoes on boy" i said with a smile. he got all excited and put his shoes on with jaydens help. she hugged and kissed him goodbye and then she did it to me again. i opened the door.

"you two be safe" jayden said to us with a smile

"we will" i said with a slight smile

"prince no babbling to strangers at the airport this time kid" jayden said to him with a little smile

"i won't mama" prince said with a little smile. his little innocent face🥺.

"let's roll out P, bye jay🤍" i said with a smile while walking out the room with leading me.

"bye" jayden said. me and prince went downstairs and nate was there with khalil.

"Nate!" prince shouted while running into his arms.

"prince charming" nate said with a smile while lifting him up and spinning him in the air and prince giggled so did nate. they got closer lately because prince is always under nate when weren't doing things in hollywood. nate is basically his best friend according to prince😂.

"and the besties have united" i said with a smile then khalil and nate laughed. khalil hugged me and i hugged back and then nate side hugged me because prince is in his arm.

"need help with the bags?" khalil asked me with a smile

"of course as usual" i said to him with a smile. he chuckled and grabbed it.

"it was great seeing you mr and mrs hunter" nate said with a smile while we walked to the door

"no problem you kids be safe." max said to us with a smile

"please stay safe" tia said

"we will bye" i said with a smile

"byeee" max and tia said to us with a smile. we walked out the house and we got into nate's car. nate put prince in a baby seat and then khalil sat in the back with prince while i sat in the passengers seat and nate in the drivers. we headed off to the airport.

Falling in love 💍🤍 ~jaynnieWhere stories live. Discover now