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~annie pov

i'm sitting down in the hidden staircase well at this school. it's lunch time for me instead of going to lunch i just came here by myself. for a reason though. i took the note out of my jacket pocket. the note mikey gave me. i haven't even opened it yet i wanted to be away from jayden so she doesn't know i have it. i opened it. it's a full page long.

dear Ethanol, Jayden, Michael, & Hali'a

I do not even know how to start, i guess i'll start by saying i love you all so dearly. I've been blessed to have such beautiful children. You guys have made a difference in the world of tiktok (ethan and jayden). You have ways to bring smiles onto others faces you have never failed to make me smile even when i was upset with the both of you. Mikey and Hali'a you two have came to live with us at a perfect time of our life. Even though you guys have been in the streets and learned gang activities because of your father you still are not at all like that man. He's a dangerous person. I know what's about to happen to me soon. I just want to say, Ethanol you're my first child, you're my mamas boy and you always have been such a strong boy for jayden growing up. You were such a great older brother for jayden and i thank you for that. You had a the best bond with her and did anything to make her smile. You make me proud everyday to be your mother. I loved showing up to your football games even when jayden didn't wanna go we still went to support you and your dream to become a football player in the NFL. i hope you make it one day baby boy. Mikey, you being my second child i never got to watch you grow up you grew up with your dad. You're not what you think you are you're so much more than that. I remember the day you came home and started being a great big brother to jayden and great little brother to ethan. You care about your family and friends and girlfriend avani never ever risk anything to lose them. You have potential in you so go for your dreams mike. Jayden, oh jayden, you've been such a loving, caring, kind hearted, person with a bad attitude and short temper growing up. Whenever someone made you mad you wouldn't hold it in you let it all out. You definitely got that from your father i didn't raise you to be like that. You're the funniest girl i've ever met you're my troubled child when it comes to fighting and school. You make me laugh all the time and i'm really gonna miss hitting you with bread for cussing in my house. You're a softie and you care too much about if someone loves you or not. i'm gonna tell you now annie is the one for you don't lose her she's what's making you happy. you're gonna a need her once i'm gone. You put this family back together after a fight, you make everyone laugh when it's a sad situation happening. Your smile just makes everyone else happy and you're the strongest person ever. let it out baby, cry a little it'll help. I'll miss you, you're smile, and your adorable laugh the most. Hali'a you have the best personality ever. you're funnier than jayden let's be for real i just had to hype her up a little. Your smile and dimples are the cutest and i'll miss you everyday too. i know we've barley spent time together but you are the youngest and the one who puts this family back together when things go wrong. it's either you or ethan. You have feelings too make everyone know that so that you don't get too hurt. pyrm isn't the one for you i'm letting you know now find someone else who's gonna love you and not use you for your body. Ethan and Mikey love you they're just mean to you because that's what boys do to show love. Jayden's the one who's gonna protect you from bad situations so listen to her and Ethan. You're a smart girl so keep your head high and focus on school to get into that college you wanna go to. Make me proud baby girl. There's a cousin on your dad's side that you guys will really need if anything goes wrong his name is Ivan he's 18 his number is 213-829-2789 he's just gonna help and be here for you guys. I know that you guys don't know this is gonna happen but i do. It's friday and you are out right now. i just want you to know i love you all so very much and i'll see you in heaven. Do not cry over me too much just be happy i'm in a better place. Your father hates me i seen this coming years ago it was gonna happen eventually. i just have a strange feeling it's happening tonight. if it does you'll find this note. You guys are my babies i love you forever, stay good for me, and goodbye for now.

Falling in love 💍🤍 ~jaynnieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz