Chapter 41 - "Pursuit of truth..."

Start from the beginning

Nandini: (With a smile) "Aryamaan, even I have to tell you something. Give me five minutes. I will join you at the canteen."

She scrunched her nose in pleading. With a bright smile, Aryamaan nodded and immediately got up to exit the room. Manisha was minutely observing all the scenarios until then. She neared Nandini and sat in the empty chair.

Manisha: (Whispered) "I think a new story will begin very soon."

Nandini signed the last copy and closed it with a thud.

Nandini: (With raised brows) "Manisha, every time it's not necessary the phrase 'there's smoke there's fire' to be true. To begin a story, there should be a story."

She got up gathering the copies and slinging her bag. A sneer was lingering on her lips.

Manisha: (With a frown) "What do you mean?"

Nandini: (Shrugged) "You will get to know...very soon."

Saying this she left the staff room leaving a bewildered yet jealous Manisha behind.


Inside a private car: Outside Nandini's School: 1:45 pm:

A person was surfing his mobile. There were a lot of images of Nandini. At the time she got off the auto till she entered the school premises. The person was minutely observing the pictures with zooming in and out. Some lines formed on his forehead.

The person: (Mumbled unmindfully) "I have seen her somewhere. But where?"

He rubbed his nose in annoyance. Glancing at his wristwatch he looked at the closed school gate. He still has to wait there for more than 3 hours until that girl Nandini comes out.

The person: "Whatever! Meanwhile, I can send these photographs to Soha Madam."

He selected the snaps and sent them to Soha.


Same time in Soha's Cabin: 1:55 pm:

Soha's phone pinged. She earnestly opened the WhatsApp inbox. There were some pics of a girl. Soha never saw her. She scrolled the snaps when an image made her stop. Something grabbed her attention. The girl Nandini is giving the fare to the auto driver. Her hand and fingers are clearly visible. There is a blue sapphire ring on her left ring finger. Soha's forehead furrowed. She has seen this ring somewhere. But where? All of a sudden, the cloud enshrouding her mind removed. Her eyes sparkled with an evil thought.

Soha: (With suppressed excitement) "Can it be possible? But why?"

She searched Gattu and Manik's pictures and stopped on a click. Manik is peaking Gattu's forehead. Gattu's left hand is on Manik's bicep. Soha zoomed in on the image on Gattu's hand. A sinister smile crept on her lips.

Soha: (Muttered in satisfaction) "So, Mr Gattu Singh or Ms Nandini, you both have the same sapphire ring on your same finger. Hard to believe as a mere coincident. But if you both are the same person then why this game of disguise? Who are you Nandini? And why do you live with Manik as his cook in a Sardarji incognito? So many questions and all around you, Mr Manik Malhotra. It will be so much fun to dive down. This is called luck. I was only after Gattu and your relationship but now it seems to be more tangled. And I love to detangle mysteries. Ha...ha...Mr Malhotra. You are in deep shit. I am glad that you are not gay but I would be gladder to prove you a characterless pervert. Be prepared to face the storm."

She immediately connected the call to the private detective.

Soha: (Eagerly) "Hello....listen to me very carefully. From now, you will only follow the girl Nandini. Forget about that Gattu Singh for a while. I want every detail about Nandini. Whom does she meet? Where does she go? With whom? Does she have any friends in her school? Where is she from? Everything. I need her total horoscope. Got it?"

She cut the call after having a positive reply and reclined on her chair.

Soha: (Muttered) "Very soon this hide and seek drama will be over. Let's see how many secrets are there in your life Manik."

A silent smile appeared on her face.


Nandini's School: Canteen: 1:55 pm:

Aryamaan and Nandini were sitting at a table. The canteen was pretty vacant as the tiffin break was almost over. Both finished their snacks and were sipping on the coffee. Aryamaan was stealing glances of Nandini from time to time, preparing himself to pop the question. He was nervous and excited at the same time. Nandini glimpsed at her watch. There are only five minutes to clear this misunderstanding. She took a deep breath. Before Aryamaan parted his lips to initiate she started,

Nandini: (In a soft voice) "Aryamaan, in the last two months we have become very good friends. We have shared many things, like our friends' problems, our likes, dislikes. But one thing I haven't told you yet that I think you should know. Because I know what you think about me. And I totally respect your emotion."

She paused for a moment. Aryamaan was observing her with a confused mind and expression. Nandini gulped her saliva and continued,

Nandini: "I am engaged, Aryamaan. For the last two years. I have someone very special in my life and I can't even imagine my life without him. I know I should have told you this earlier but I never got the chance and..."

Aryamaan: (With a painful smile) "Congratulations! Yes, you should have told me before. But better late than never. I hope he is deserving to have you in his life. Sorry for all the silly mischief that I have done to you as a friend. You are an amazing person but I am somehow not lucky enough. Take care."

Aryamaan left his chair to head the exit. Nandini felt a lump in her throat.

Nandini: (Mumbled with a choked voice) "Aryamaan..."

Aryamaan: "Don't worry...we will always remain friends. Hope you will invite me to your wedding."

With a smiling nod, he left Nandini behind, perplexed and guilt-ridden.

Nandini: (Whispered) "I can't Aryamaan because I am already married to him and I know when this truth will come to light, it will be another shock for you. I am so sorry..."

She palmed her face with frustration.

Author's note: I am still not satisfied with the response of the following. If it persists then I have to take a long break from updating my stories. Along with that, it's very disheartening to see even renowned writers are unfollowing me after so much praising, votes and comments. Guys, please don't follow to unfollow. It really disturbs me. Being a writer you all can feel it. To the avid readers, I am again requesting you to follow me. It won't cost you anything but will boost up my confidence a lot.

Thank you


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