Chapter Thirty-Five

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My skills were...horrible in terms of acting, and yet as soon as William turned around, I yawned and pretended as if I just woke up, an amused smile falling onto the blond's lips as he made his way over to me.

"You were awake during our conversation, weren't you?" He wondered as he pressed a kiss against my forehead, a guilty look crossing my features as I tore my gaze away from him and nodded, staring at my fingers.

"I-I was. And I apologize for eavesdropping, I-I was just-"

"It is alright, Mel. Do not worry yourself over it." William then lifted my chin with a finger, sage eyes seemingly brightening as he searched my gaze. "How are you feeling?"

I nibbled at my bottom lip, shyly tucking a strand of hair behind my ear while Anthony walked over to us. "T-To be honest, I'm quite nervous about being bait. I-I know the both of you, as well as my brother, will be there protecting me. But...I can't help but worry that something may go wrong. Anthony is right, this individual is trained for battle, so what if they get the b-better of you, or-" I was silenced when William placed a finger over my lips, a frown on the man's face as those sage eyes remained on me.

"Please don't doubt your capabilities, Mel. I know you worry, but I assure you, everything will be fine."

I inhaled shakily, but eventually, I nodded and nibbled at my bottom lip. "O-Ok. I trust you." A blush darted over my cheeks when he pressed his lips against the corner of my own pair, before he pulled away and stood up, wiping the palms of his hands against his trousers.

"Alright. I'm going to send Thomas for food, and then I'm going to Marvin and explain how we're going to catch this guy." He took a deep breath and held it for a moment before he exhaled and nodded his head. After that, he gave both Anthony and I a kiss before he left the room.

As the silence between Anthony and I grew, I finally ended up glancing at him, shyly nibbling at my bottom lip. "How are you feeling? Surely you must know that I believe it's too soon for you to be walking around like this."

Anthony gave me a small, sweet smile and sat on the edge of the bed, the man placing his hand over mine. "I'm fine Melani. That...Healer helped me, saved me from the throws of death. He probably gave me some pain medicine, or something that is aiding with any pain I could be having."

I huffed. "I still don't want you to push yourself too hard, Anthony. Especially before we carry out William's plan."

Anthony stared at me for a moment, teal gaze silently searching mine before he pursed his lips and started to gently push me to the other side, confusing me until he laid down next to me. "If you really worry that much for my wellbeing, I guess I shall lay here with you."

I blushed when he gave me a warm smile, those gorgeous eyes of his sparkling mischievously as he continued to stare at silence...not saying a single word.

"I-Is there something on my face, Anthony?" I asked him shyly, embarrassed with how intense his gaze was.

That sneaky man's smile only widened, until he shook his head. "No. I was just admiring how beautiful you are, and how lucky William and I are to have you."

My blush could only darken at that, my heart going a mile a minute as I shyly averted my gaze. Nibbling at my bottom lip. After a moment, I felt Anthony's hand on my cheek, my gaze raising to meet his.

"Everything's going to be fine, Melani. William had been right about that much." Anthony sighed and laid on his back, pulling me with him until my head was resting on his chest, his heartbeat a comforting sound as I snuggled closer to him, enjoying the warmth of his body. "I'm sure you heard the conversation between William and I earlier, and I still don't agree with William's plan." He began rubbing at the small of my back, the action soothing. "However...if we do not catch the individual doing this...who knows how far they would go to make sure y-you're dead. But I do have faith in William, and I know he would never come up with something like this if it puts you in immediate danger."

I glanced up at him through my lashes. "I do trust him. I trust you too. It's always the "what if's" that drive me mad, as it has been my entire life. I can't help but worry, even over the most mundane of things." My cheeks reddened with shame as I tore my gaze away from him, nibbling at my bottom lip. "I-I know I can be annoying sometimes-"

"You are not annoying, Melani, and it is alright to worry. William worries, I do not be ashamed of yourself."

I went to say something, but as soon as I opened my mouth, the bedroom opened and William walked inside with a cart, both Thomas and Marvin coming in behind him. And as soon as Marvin's gaze found me, he walked over to me, clearing his throat as he glanced to the side. Once he was closer, I could see the bags under his eyes, despite him turning his gaze to the floor, as well as how messy his chocolate brown hair was. William truly had not been exaggerating. Marvin hadn't slept since I was stabbed, and if he must not have been a lot.

"How are you feeling, Melani?" Marvin finally spoke, biting his bottom lip as those blue eyes finally lifted from the floor. "I'm sorry I couldn't see you sooner, I was determined to catch the bastard that did this to you."

I pulld away from Anthony and stood up, folding my hands across my lap. "It's ok, Marvin. I understand you have a lot on your plate right now. I-I'm ok for the most part, though there are random increments of pain every once in a while. How about you? Have you been getting any sleep at all? You look as if you're going to pass out at any moment."

Marvin turned his gaze away from me, but not before I saw the guilt forming in those light blue eyes.

I sighed and climbed out of bed before I made my way over to him and hugged him, the man tensing up before he finally relaxed and awkwardly patted the top of my head." I want you to at least take a nap. Crash on the couch if you wish." I pulled away and looked at him, feeling quite like a mother who was chiding her child. "I want to be able to trust that your health is in good shape, especially before we carry out this plan."

"Which," William spoke up, nodding to Marvin as Thomas handed him a plate of food, "Marvin and I have discussed it, and we wish for the plan to be carried out tomorrow night. We need to make sure all the preparations are set and that everything is put in place before we carry this thing out. I'd rather be confident going into this." William's light gaze flickered over to me. "Is that alright, Mel?"

I gulped and nodded, wrapping my arms around myself as I cleared my throat nervously. " are we going to convince this intruder that I am truly alone? W-What if they begin wondering why my bodyguard and husband left me, and suspicions start to grow?"

"My father and Marvin will call to us, claiming to have caught the individual that did this to you. Anthony and I will run out to "aid" the capture of the assassin, but in reality, we will use the secret tunnel system to get back to the room without suspicion. The assassin will then see this as the perfect opportunity to "finish the job"."

I nodded my head and nibbled the inside of my cheek as he spoke, my confidence rising slightly as he elaborated a bit more on the plan. And to think they were bringing in King Henry as well? For some reason, that actually made me feel a little bit better knowing he was in on this. I wasn't sure why that thought made me feel better...but it did, and honestly? I wasn't going to complain about that. But that didn't mean I wasn't scared for what was to come. I only hoped that everyone made it out in one piece.

A/N:Not too happy with how this chapter came out, but hey, its at least something lol. Something decent, hopefully XP

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Anywho, another question answered! And I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

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